Lattice-based Cryptography 成立时间:July 3, 2010 论文与出版物 下载 Lattices are geometric objects that have recently emerged as a powerful tool in cryptography. Lattice-based schemes have also proven to be remarkably resistant to sub-exponential and quantum attacks (in sharp contrast to their number...
In recent years, lattice-based cryptography has been recognized for its many attractive properties, such as strong provable security guarantees and apparent resistance to quantum attacks, flexibility for realizing powerful tools like fully homomorphic en
cryptography privacy cpp lattice homomorphic-encryption homomorphic-encryption-library fhe fully-homomorphic-encryption secure-multiparty-computation Updated Feb 20, 2025 C++ spawnmason / randar-explanation Star 829 Code Issues Pull requests "Randar" is an exploit for Minecraft which uses LLL lattice...
在编译器中,数据流分析(dataflow analysis)常常通过lattice来表达其中的抽象值。有讲数据流分析的编译原...
Another useful resource is the book by Micciancio and Goldwasser [49], which also contains a wealth of information on the computational complexity aspects of lattice problems. 展开 关键词:Digital signatures Post-quantum cryptography Lattices 94A60 ...
Cite this paper Regev, O. (2006). Lattice-Based Cryptography. In: Dwork, C. (eds) Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2006. CRYPTO 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4117. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. ...
Quantum computers are probably coming, though we don’t know when—and when they arrive, they will, most likely, be able to break our standard public-key cryptography algorithms. In anticipation of this possibility, cryptographers have been working on quantum-resistant public-key algorithms. The ...
Accept all cookies Abstract The RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) cryptosystem is a widely used public-key cryptographic algorithm in information systems and computer applications. With the advancement of lattice theory, a technique known as the lattice-based method has emerged as a significant threat to...
In Fig. 6, the verbal predicate is identity verification, intermediate properties include authentication, cryptography and encryption, and the generic concept for this pattern is security. Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 6. Properties of the digital signature pattern. Show moreView article...
In this book we have examined many aspects of mathematical cryptography, us-ing various types of algebraic platforms, in order to obtain diverse and secure crypto-graphic protocols. The classical methods for public key cryptography, Diffie-Hellmanand RSA, are number theory based and could be ...