GIS 字典 浏览字典起始纬度共享URL [地图投影] 定义投影 y 坐标值的原点的纬度值。 另请参阅 起始经度
6) latitude of vertex 顶点纬度 补充资料:经纬 ①经度与纬度的合称:经纬度。②称织物上的直线和横线:经纬线编织匀密。③规范;准则:礼乃天地之经纬也。④治理管理国家:经纬其民。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。 参考词条
下列为ArcGIS中某坐标系信息,该坐标系采用( )投影? Xian_1980_3_Degree_GK_Zone_39 投影:Gauss_Kruger False_Easting:39500000.000000 False_Northing:0.000000 Central_Meridian:108.000000 Scale_Factor:1.000000 Latitude_Of_Origin:0.000000 线性单位:Meter GCS_Xian_1980 基准面:D_Xian_1980A.墨卡托投影B.兰勃特...
ArcGIS Developer Help IProjectedCoordinateSystem4GEN.LatitudeOfOrigin Property The latitude of the origin (Phi 0) of a projected coordinate system.
"breadth," from Old French latitude (13c.) and directly from Latin latitudo "breadth,… See origin and meaning of latitude.
The origin of aerosol particles in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere over the Eurasian continent was investigated by applying cluster analysis methods to in situ measured data. Number concentrations of submicrometer aerosol particles and trace gas mixing ratios derived by the CARIBIC (Civil...
GIS 用語集 用語集の参照原点の緯度URL の共有 [地図投影] 投影法における Y 座標値の原点を定義する緯度値。 次もご参照ください。 原点の経度
This IIS managed module allows user to get geolocation information about an IP address such as country of origin, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, ISP, domain name, time zone, connection speed, IDD code, area code, weather station code, and weather station name, mobile country ...
6. Origin of a High-Latitude Population of Aedes aegypti in Washington DC [O] . Andrea Gloria-Soria, Andrew Lima, Diane D. Lovin, 2018 机译:华盛顿特区埃及伊蚊的高纬度种群起源 7. The Stellar Population And Origin Of The Mysterious High-Latitude Star Forming Cloud CG 12 [O] . Getma...
These results indicate important ecotypic differences in sensitivity to freezing and cold stress between the two populations of Q. virginiana as well as between the two species, corresponding to their climates of origin. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to ...