Enter the destination cell where you want the output (we have entered$D$4), and pressFinish. Extract the values only from the deg column. Extract the minute and second values in the Min, and Sec columns. Remove the degree, minute, and second symbols for the longitude coordinates following ...
=MINUTE((A1-INT(A1))/24) returns minutes =SECOND((A1-INT(A1))/24 returns seconds. In addition to the formulas above, you can use an array formula to split out the degree, minute, and second values from either a time-format value or a decimal degree value. To split out the compon...
The last degree, minute, or second of a latitude or longitude may contain a decimal portion. Degrees minutes seconds formats (DDD MM SS + compass direction)41 25 01N and 120 58 57W 41°25'01"N and 120°58'57"W S17 33 08.352 and W69 01 29.74 Degrees...
We may need to convert longitude or latitude values from "Degrees Minute Second" format to "Decimal Degree" format. Example : 77 2 00.000W to -77.03333 Here is a C# example for same public void ConvertDegree() { //"77 2 00.000W"; Sample Input from textBox1 string input = textBox1....
) {//x度 y分 z秒 = x + y/60 + z/3600 度result = (degree + (minute /60) + (second /3600)).ToString(); } }returnresult; } 参考 后话 其他语言版本的代码请自行实现,这基本是学习编程的入门题目了。 声明
=Degree+Minute/60+Second/3600 To use it in Excel, follow the steps outlined here: Add a heading (such as Decimal) to a blank column Copy and paste the formula above into a cell under your new heading Change the degree, minutes, and second placeholders in the formula to the corresponding...
degrees, minutes, and seconds, followed by a letter indicating the direction from the equator or prime meridian. Minutes and seconds are fractions of a degree: Each minute is one-sixtieth of a degree, and each second is one-sixtieth of a minute; for example, 37º41'26"N 97º20'0"...
Uses the format "DDD MM SS + compass direction (N, S, E, or W)." Latitudes range from 0 to 90 and longitudes range from 0 to 180. The last degree, minute, or second or a latitude or longitude may contain a decimal portion. ...
Today, latitude is still measured in degrees, minutes and seconds. A degree of latitude is still around 69 miles (111 km) while a minute is approximately 1.15 miles (1.85 km). A second of latitude is just over 100 feet (30 m). Paris, France for example, has a coordinate of 48°51...
can be converted into decimals. The degrees part remains the same, but minutes and seconds need to be converted into their percentage of a degree and combined. There are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute (which means 3,600 seconds in a degree). Therefore, divide minutes...