Albert is frequently in contact with other Francophones as part of his work; hence, his French is well maintained. He speaks with an identifiably local accent, yet he has also incorporated a number of “Standard” or “International” French words that I have rarely heard from other Louisian...
If it begins with a consonant, then we take all consonants before the first vowel and we put them on the end of the word. For example, "which" is translated into "ichwhay". Why is it called Pig Latin? Of course, Pig Latin is not a form of real Latin. It's only called that be...
although he has many similar parts and could thus be called similar in hav-ing eyes, hands, feet, and other things like this separately or taken together–so it is to beconsidered exactly in the case of words that are said to be“similar”what parts and in whatways they possess similarly...
Other words add a meaning to the one that already exists. The most common type of semantic addition in this material is that which broadens the semantic window of a word. For instance, fidelis adds the meaning ‘Christian’ to its earlier meaning ‘faithful, safe’, but it does not lose ...
usethescientificnameisverynecessary.Atthattime, botanistshadputforwardmanysuggestions,buttheywere deniedforvariousreasons.TheSwedishbotanistLinnaeushas madeimportantcontributions,in1753hepublishedthe"flower plantswill"improve,theestablishmentanduseofLatindouble ...
Several metropolitan regions have identified that logistics facilities are relocating to suburban areas outside city center boundaries. This phenomenon is known as logistics sprawl. In this paper, we present an analysis of the logistics sprawl phenomenon in the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Area (Brazil)...
Any such termination will be effective as of the last day of the fiscal year in which such termination event occurs. 5.2.2 With respect to a particular Service (i.e., PTVLA or ATV) and --- starting at the end of fiscal year 7, either party may terminate that Service if its net re...
First of all, because of compound words. The difficulty lies in the fact that components are often al- tered when composed: π and αν gives παιν (not πιαιν ) while π composed with βλλω produces πιβλλω. Could we hence hyphenate always π-α and ...
productcanbesoldatalowpriceinadeveloped economy.Fordismpromotesspecialization,thetransformationoftheindustrialschemeandthereductionofcosts throughamarketexpansionstrategy,becauseifthereisagreatervolumeofunits(duetotheassemblytechnology)ata reducedcost(duetotime/execution)therewillbeasurplusthatwillnumericallyexceedtheelite,...
Albert is frequently in contact with other Francophones as part of his work; hence, his French is well maintained. He speaks with an identifiably local accent, yet he has also incorporated a number of “Standard” or “International” French words that I have rarely heard from other Louisian...