omni, quod …=far from everything that …||ab omni parte=from all sides, in every respect||a more maiorum=according to the customs of the ancients||a prima luce=since dawn||ab eo loco=starting from those words, from that passage||ab ea parte=from this side||a vero, a falso=for ...
Jhayco's "Vida Rockstar" captivates with its analog film approach, while "El Polvo de Tu Vida" by J Balvin dazzles with its sci-fi elements.
The Latin Experience with Fr. Foster Notes and worksheets from two years with Fr. Reginald Foster Beginner's Latin - UK National Archives Two whole series of brief lessons, but with a steep learning curve. Latinum Latinum is unique, as it is an immersion course taught as a living, spoken ...
I've already registered all the analyzable vocabulary form that speech, over at[[Astapori Valyrian Vocabulary]], so for the most part I won't deal with it in this entry. I did, however, want to note the wordsdomba"no more," which came up in one of Kraznys's lines last year, and...
"They say it takes an artist their whole life to write their debut album, but with starting this band so young, it felt like it took 25 years to writeAntibloom/Pink Moon— the absolute collection of our musical style and ideas we've pioneered over these years," the band...
What advice can you give to songwriters or singers starting their careers? Always be authentic and do not follow trends. I differentiated myself from the songwriters and producers when I started because I didn't use many bad words [in my songs]. I always wanted to avoid jumping on that ba...
“I know of no book to contend in usefulness with this resourceful, voluminous and appetizing smorgasbord.”–from the Introduction by William F. Buckley, Jr. facta non verba FAH-ktah nohn WEHR-bah actions speak louder than words Facta non verba, literally “deeds, not words,” holds that ...
The learning rate range contains progressively longer intervals between learning rates, starting with 1e-05 to 9e-05 (in steps of 1e-05), following that with 1e-04 to 9e-04 (in steps of 1e-04), following that with 1e-03 to 9e-03 (in steps of 1e-03), and concluding with 1...
During the first shows I did it was very impactful to see how people see the album fit with my other albums. But now, people are singing all the words to the songs. My audience is intelligent, I can’t underestimate them. It wasn’t an easy album, and I like that. I like the ch...
2-“Spoken British Latin was to all intents and purposes identical with the type of Romance underlying Old French” (Schrijver’s words, but quoted approvingly) -are incompatible with one another. They cannot both be true. To answer David Eddyshaw’s questions: ...