|| ab omni parte = from all sides, in every respect || a more maiorum = according to the customs of the ancients || a prima luce = since dawn || ab eo loco = starting from those words, from that passage || ab ea parte = from this side || a vero, a falso = for truth, fo...
Such frequency lists invariably depend on the selection of texts, but a 300 word list is short enough to be a good representation of most common words for all types of texts. If you would like to learn about a creative way to expand your vocabulary, please take a look at the 180-page...
in vino veritas - in wine is truth in vitro - in glass in vivo - in the living (thing) ipsi dixit - he himself said it ipsissima verba - the exact words ipso facto - by that very fact ipso iure - by operation of the law i.q. (idem quod) - the same as ite, misse est ...
quod erat demonstrandum - used to convey that a fact or situation demonstrates the truth of one's theory or claim, especially to mark the conclusion of a formal proof. what was to be demonstrated.证明完毕 quid pro quo(s) - a favour or advantage granted in return for something."the pardon...
Latin American Experiences with Truth Commission Recommendations: Beyond WordsimplementationLatin Americarecommendationstransitional justicetruth commissionshuman rightscomplianceTruth commission recommendations are critical to their legacies, yet there is little research examining their fates. Based on fieldwork that...
拉丁语名言警句(Latin aphorism)德语:the last sentence should not be forgotten forever 一直无法忘记的是最后那句.protection please the important things in the heart...保护好心里重要的东西.i understood that eingene force does not have a significant role to play.知道了一个人的力量能如此渺小 if i...
used for the subject of a verb, and oblique, used for all other functions—andRomaniantoday has two, nominative-accusative, used for the subject and the direct object of a verb, and genitive-dative, used to indicate possession and the indirect object of a verb), and words of the fourth ...
Verba movent, exempla trahunt - Words move people, examples draw/compel them. Deeds, not words, give the example Verba volant, (littera) scripta manet - Words fly away, the written (letter) remains Verbatim et litteratim - Word for word and letter for letter ...
Horace is also responsible for this phase, which translates to, "More lasting than bronze." If your feelings or words will stand the test of time, you can describe them as such. 34. Libertas perfundet omnia luce The motto of the University of Barcelona, in English, this Latin phrase read...
Then speak a lot of flattering words. God! At this time I really shameless Daojidian, and even I myself have that intolerable. Xiangleyixia PE teacher, and then said: “Do you willing to accept the test?” Erotic Gay Story I am busy: “What test?”“Some physical test, if you let...