Verbatim et litteratim - Word for word and letter for letter Verbatim - Exactly as said Verbum sapienti satis est (verb. sap.) - A word to the wise is sufficient. Enough said Veritas Lux Mea - The truth enlightens me / The truth is my light Veritas numquam perit - Truth never perishe...
Verbatim et litteratim - Word for word and letter for letter Verbatim - Exactly as said Verbum sapienti satis est (verb. sap.) - A word to the wise is sufficient. Enough said Veritas Lux Mea - The truth enlightens me / The truth is my light Veritas numquam perit - Truth never perishe...
Non semper erunt Saturnalia -- The carnival will not last for ever.Non sequitur -- It does not follow; an unwarranted inference.Noscitur a sociis -- A man is known by the company he keeps; a word, by the context.Note bene -- Note well.Novos amicos dum paras, veteres cole -- While...
For so it becometh us to fulfil all justice. Then he suffered him. respondens autem Iesus dixit ei sine modo sic enim decet nos implere omnem iustitiam tunc dimisit eum Mt 4 4 Who answered and said: It is written, Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceed...
30% of English words derive from the ancient language. By knowing the meaning of these Latin words, if you chance to come across a word you’ve never seen before, you can make an educated guess at what it means. In fact, studies have found that high school students who studied Latin ...
of our youth as diligent disciples of Christ. This is particularly important because many people in this culture throw trash on the ground and let it accumulate in public areas (causing environmental contamination, increased risk of diseases, etc.), which is a general woe we are actively ...
Chinese people ae found sudying and doinghusiness all ove the woeld.Infact, Chinese is deite goingt be a wordlangaage Whyi ths rtain? We mus ook tthe ecomomicand poiie power(政治影响力) o China, whichi iereasing every day. I the pastfew yeas, wordlanguageshave always been the ...