c.To make (a word, for example) similar in appearance to Latin:Latinize an English name. 2.To cause to adopt or acquire Latin characteristics or customs. 3.To cause to follow or resemble the Roman Catholic Church in dogma or practices. ...
For so it becometh us to fulfil all justice. Then he suffered him. respondens autem Iesus dixit ei sine modo sic enim decet nos implere omnem iustitiam tunc dimisit eum Mt 4 4 Who answered and said: It is written, Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceed...
[TORMENTO, TORMENTARE, TORMENTAVI, TORMENTATUS] : V torture; torment; inflict acute physical/mental pain; [TORMENTUM, TORMENTI] : N windlass; missile; war engine for hurling stones; [TORMINOSUS, TORMINOSA, TORMINOSUM] : ADJ suffering from colic; ...
[DEPOSTULATOR, DEPOSTULATORIS] : N one who demands; (a person for punishment/torture); [DEPOSTULO, DEPOSTULARE, DEPOSTULAVI, DEPOSTULATUS] : V demand, press for; require earnestly (l+s); [DEPRAEDATIO, DEPRAEDATIONIS] : N plundering, pillaging; ...
When his father’s corpse eventually turned up, visibly scarred from the torture he endured, the family was only allowed to collect him in exchange for their signed affirmation that his father died from a stray bullet. When Herrera Simerman was around three years old, he was staying in a ...
In his view, the scientist ‘must force the apparent facts of nature into forms different to those in which they familiarly present themselves; and thus, make them tell the truth about themselves, as torture may compel an unwilling witness to reveal what he has been concealing’.[80] ...
for contemporary variation. In their further history, some languages continue only one of the two uses. Other languages maintain both, but the meaning contrast comes to be related to a word-order difference. I analyze this difference as a syntactic DP-internal inversion operation, motivated by ...
(son of Anastasio Somoza García and brother of Luis Somoza Debayle, both of whom preceded Anastasio as dictators). Therefore, from 1937 until 1979, Nicaragua was dominated by the Somozas, who controlled the country with tyranny and oppression. Repression, persecution, kidnapping and torture were ...
For example, pieces such as “Chingaza”, an installation of seven thousand golden $100.00 peso coins by Jeisson Castillo, who wrote the word chingaza (a sacred highland moor/páramo) on a wall toward the east. Chingaza, which means in the muisca language “mountain of the night good”, ...