Vires acquirit eundo - It gains strength by going / as it goes. (Virgil) Virginibus puerisque - For maidens and youths Virgo intacta - Intact virgin Viri sunt viri - Men are slime Virtus in medio stat - Virtue stands in the middle Virtute et armis - By courage and by arms Virtvs p...
Verbatim et litteratim - Word for word and letter for letter Verbatim - Exactly as said Verbum sapienti satis est (verb. sap.) - A word to the wise is sufficient. Enough said Veritas Lux Mea - The truth enlightens me / The truth is my light Veritas numquam perit - Truth never perishe...
Proprio vigore -- Of one's own strength.Prudens interrogatio quasi dimidium sapientiæ -- Prudent questioning is, as it were, the half of knowledge.Prudentis est mutare consilium; stultus sicut luna mutatur -- A prudent man may, on occasion, change his opinion, but a fool changes as ...
(sword), and Latingladius(sword, death, a gladiatorial contest), possibly includegladiator,gladiolusandglaivein English,esglai(fright) in Catalan,ghiado(sword, dagger, knife, frost, cold), andgiaggiolo(iris [flower]) in Italian,gládio(sword, power, strength) in Portuguese andglaïeul(...
There's abandasong about personal growth. When I received it, I knew it couldn't be romantic because [given the theme] it needed strength, so I decided to make it abanda. I've tried to be involved in everything, and the album came together spontaneously, letting myself be...
as though they had been written for her. As part of her process in making the album, she traveled to Cuba, where the genre was born, to be immersed in the history and culture of the music. Her serious and impassioned approach has led to a celebration of the bolero that is as fresh ...
It is impossible to keep still while listening to Rawayana and Akapellah’s “Veneka,” which celebrates the beauty and strength of the Venezuelan woman while giving a positive tone to a term that was previously considered derogatory. The viral hit is an empowering anthem that also references va...
using this phrase to reassure a friend who may be struggling with a long-distance relationship, as it reminds them that distance does not diminish the strength of their love. This phrase has been used in literature and art throughout history, and its message of the power of love is ...
36. Noli foras ire, in teipsum reddi; in interiore homine habitat veritas (Don't lose yourself, return to you, inside of you lives the truth. - Augustine) Words of strength for those who struggle to be themselves. via:Mantelligence ...
a凡乙方整改不力,逾期不改的,甲方有权对乙方违约责任,给予一次性的经济处罚 Every second party does not reorganize the strength, exceeds the time limit does not change, the party of the first part is authorized to the second party to break a contract the responsibility, gives the disposable econom...