Mot à mot -- Word for word.Invidiam placare paras, virtute relicta? -- Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue?Invita Minerva -- Without genius or the requisite inspiration; against the will of Minerva.Ipse dixit -- He himself (viz. Pythagoras) said it. Assertion...
It seems to me that he only allows for efficacy of grace to be perfected with regard to the will, such that efficacy is the issue at play when monergism is on the table, that is divine agency being the sole and sufficient cause (74). Why should Barclay only limit efficacy to will?
For example, the Latin word uirtus originally meant something close to ‘manliness’, acquiring part of the semantic range of the Greek word ἀνδρεῖα. With the conversion of the Latin-speaking world to Christianity, the semantics of this word included Christian virtue and miracles (...
1. decides the ruler steel products according to the real quantity delivery. 2. must decides the ruler steel products according to the real quantity delivery. 3. delivery condition steel products (including control generally by the heat roll over) the condition delivery. 4. uses: This product ...
Local authorities have ordered employees to stop using the words and phrases on documents and when communicating with members of the public and to rely on wordier alternatives instead. The ban has infuriated classical scholars who say it is diluting the world’s richest language and is the “lin...
[TYRANNUS, TYRANNI] : N tyrant; despot; monarch, absolute ruler; king, prince; [TYRANNUS] : tyrant, absolute ruler. [TYROS, TYRI] : N tyre; (city on the phoenician coast); (famous for crimson dye tyrian purple); [TYROTARICHOS, TYROTARICHI] : N dish of cheese and salt-fish; ...
She put out her hand toward him, and they stared at one another without uttering a word. Then they stepped into my boat, and I took the oars. They were seated side by side near the stern.The usher was the first to speak.“This is nice weather for a row in a boat.”She murmured...
Latin for Beginners英文电子资料.pdf,Latin for Beginners 1 Latin for Beginners Part I is devoted to pronunciation, quantity, accent, and kindred Part I is devoted to pronunciation, quantity, accent, and kindred Part II carries the work through the first s
The word Li 礼was therefore translated by Ruggieri basically with Latin words meaning “proper social behavior”, “good manners”, and “temperance in relationship”. According to this first translation, for him, the Confucian “rites” were surely a complex reality but not so different from the...
(although the word Aztec was little known at the time). These empires were not nations but had at their centre one small ethnic state (or a few) that exercised dominance over a large number of similar states. The subject states retained their ethnic identity, their own rulerships, and ...