‘Blood’ is indeed written for the human body, because it seems to be superior to the other spirits. For even in the Gospel, it is said to Peter ‘this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood’… And it is also added ‘and my mouth will exalt your righteousness,’ in other ...
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. “I, Pencil …”; Capitalism in a Nutshell. Leonard E. Read Endless Concessions to the Palestinians Pamela Levene The Peace Treaty Sajid Ali Khan Leftist Politics in Catholic Mass Mark Brumbaugh The USCCB Flip-Flop Mark Brumbaugh...
when I was working on glory in Romans, I found that there was a discussion that took place almost singularly among German-language scholarship about the relationship of glory and righteousness. Of course, you don’t know that that discussion is there unless ...
in the name of Jesus I want to exhort each and every one of us to pray and to cling to biblical truth in the most loving, peace-seeking manner. I encourage you to stand wherever you are, lovingly and peacefully so, for righteousness and for morality even as these have become...