3. 九月(September):来自拉丁语“septem”,意为“七”,因为在古罗马历法中,这是第七个月。 4. 十月(October):来自拉丁语“octo”,意为“八”,因为在古罗马历法中,这是第八个月。 5. 十一月(November):来自拉丁语“novem”,意为“九”,因为在古罗马历法中,这是第九个月。 6. 十二月(December):来自...
4. 十月的英文名October来源于拉丁语“octo”,意为“八”。 5. 十一月的英文名November来源于拉丁语“novem”,意为“九”。 6. 十二月的英文名December来源于拉丁语“decem”,意为“十”。 英语中7-12月的名称都源于拉丁语,并与古罗马历法有关。七月以罗马皇帝Julius Caesar的名字命名,纪念他改革了罗马历法...
Bocas Del Toro, Panama‘s top resort, is accessed by car using a ferry named after Palanga, the top Lithuanian resort, o an another ferry named „Baltija“ (Lithuanian language word for the „Baltic (sea)“). In fact, the entire ferry service and wharfs are marked on some maps as ...
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations --- Select a language: Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this...
In any case, please spread the word! Paul’s letter to the Romans remains the entree of Pauline theological research, and for good reason. This letter is the clearest and most comprehensive treatment of Paul’s gospel and of the other major themes that surface within his surviving literary ...
He could look front to the new year, and look back to the old year.February: It is named through Februar-ius, a festival of cleaning.March: It is named after Mars, the Roman leader of war.April: It comes from the Latin word "April". This is the time of a y when the flowers ...
He could look in front to the new year, and look back to the old year.February: It is named through Februar-ius, a festival of cleaning.March: It is named after Mars, the Roman leader of war.April: It comes from the Latin word “April". This is the time of a year when the ...
According to the Oxford Dictionary of information, during the Renaissance entered English loan words with more than 12,000, much of which comes from Latin. Most of these words are learned words, for example, represents the abstract concept of the word, and scientific and technical terms. Interna...
Born during a music camp in Jamaica, and after visiting The Bob Marley Museum for inspiration, Colombian newcomer Kapo gave life to his first major hit: “Ohnana.” A word he invented, meaning “‘trust everything will be fine,” the suave Afrobeats single is charged with poetic lyrics ab...
It has an English word for"crowded"(mass) and a Spanish word for "face"(kara). So it m_ (81) "many faces".It also sounds like the word"mask (面具)"in Filipino. To c_(82) the festival, dancers wear smiling masks and colourful clothes. They dance in the street to Latin music....