The wordmonster(a terrifying and dangerous creature, especially one of an imaginary or mythical kind, etc) also comes from the same roots, via Middle Englishmonstre(monster, beast, strange happening), Old Frenchmonstre(monster), Latinmōnstrum(evil omen, monster), andmoneō(to warn, advise, rem...
and was engaged in a titanic struggle withCarthagefor control of the western Mediterranean. Fabius Pictor’s history, which began with the city’s mythical Trojan ancestry and narrated events up to his own day, established the form of subsequent histories of Rome. During the last 200 yearsbc,...
In all, the Yorubá worship anywhere from 200 to 1,700 (or more) of these Orishá through a myriad of myths and legends that explain their existence. As with the Bible, these mythical stories are told metaphorically and are subject to the interpretation of the reader. (Think of the many...
This was linked to a supposed, likely mythical, antagonism between the grapevine and the coles in the field. The passage of Theophrastus on this subject summarizes all the existing beliefs and is possibly one of the sources for all subsequent writers who have echoed these persuasions: They say...
a把词唱清楚 Sings clearly the word[translate] awemakestory 正在翻译,请等待... [translate] a但是现在,李平在王鹏的帮助下,认真学习 But present, Li Ping in under king huge mythical bird's help, earnest study[translate] acost of sale 销售费用[translate] ...
⁶Threeyears later,inanother paperabout ancientgeographicaldepictions’issues, he concluded:Such geographyappealsto ataste for the curious,the mythical, the strangeand the picturesque.Such informationismeantto entertainrather thanto instruct;amatter for enjoyment,not study.No expectationexisted inAugustan...
He chooseshistoricalor mythicalfiguresthatwerealreadypraisedinclassicalantiquityfortheirheroicvirtueandstrengthor fortheirpatriotism.Theseexampleswere,of course,partof a commonbodyof learning,insofarastheyweretaughtin schoolandwereeasilyreadin manualsor similarworkslikeValeriusMaximus’DictaandFactaMemorabilia, but...
To read accounts written by conquistadors and Cristóbal Colón, the grand sea captain who dared to cross an ocean in 3 ships in search of a mythical sea passage to India; the same man who, along with soldiers, settlers, colonial administrators and priests, would be the first European to br...
with all its intricacies, subtleties, wretchedness, and glorious happiness.” It employs magic realism, a narrative technique that is characterized by the matter-of-fact inclusion of fantastic or mythical elements into seemingly realistic fiction. The opera is built around sympathetic and generally ...