Latinisms This word, which properly signifies idioms or phraseology peculiar to the Latin tongute, is extended by Biblical critics so as to include also the Latin words occurring in the Greel Testament. It is but reasonable to expect the existence of Latinisms in the language of every country...
The meaning of ELATINACEAE is a widely distributed family of aquatic or marsh plants (order Parietales) having opposite leaves and small axillary flowers.
Cumbia was afuneralareitoof the Chimilas, the amphibious Indians who lived where the river grew wide, in what we callciénagas[marshlands]. That's the origin of cumbias and the pattern we know with that syncopation, with that upbeat, which was in America before Europe's arrival. ...
Nunc/Nounc Latin “to announce” Enunciate (v) “To pronounce or articulate” The spelling bee contestant was asked to enunciate so that the judges could understand what she was saying. Syn: articulate Ant: mumble Renounce (v) “To reject by declaration” In order to become a member of th...
[Those from Stabia, famous for its springs, the Vesuvian countryside and for the learned Naples, which is irrigated by the Sebeto river] 7. Quae dulcis Pompeia palus vicina salinis Herculeis vitreoque Siler qui defluit amni [Those from the sweet marsh of Pompeii, close to the salt-...
So, palustris, which means of the marsh. Plants that have palustris in their name are likely to need a damp soil. Or montana or alpina, which mean of the mountains—those plants are going to likely need good drainage and full sun. So, some of those names really clue you in to the ...
Scientific Name: Ajaia ajaja Where Roseate Spoonbills Live: Mangrove swamps, mud flats and other marsh type habitat from southern Georgia and Florida, south through Central America down to Argentina. What …Continue reading→ March 9, 2014 ·2 Comments ...