Mot à mot -- Word for word.Invidiam placare paras, virtute relicta? -- Are you trying to appease envy by the abandonment of virtue?Invita Minerva -- Without genius or the requisite inspiration; against the will of Minerva.Ipse dixit -- He himself (viz. Pythagoras) said it. Assertion...
在非洲,春天里“炎热、干燥而令人窒息的沙风”则被称作simoom,来自阿拉伯语,意为“有毒的风”。 If you happen to be in South Asia this spring and experience a whirlwind, you should tell your friends you are in a pishachi, a word that comes from Sanskrit term for female demon. If you happen...
If you happen to be in South Asia this spring and experience a whirlwind, you should tell your friends you are in a pishachi, a word that comes from Sanskrit term for female demon. If you happen to be in Africa and stuck in a "hot, dry, suffocating sand-wind" which sweeps across t...