May I point out that the Latin word for "a nail" is "unguis" (3rd declension masculine noun) and "to bite the nails" is " Rodere ungues ." For example, the agonies of literary composition can be summed up in the following line: " ille in versu faciendo saepe caput scaberet ...
I didn’t actually intend for there to be a simple word for “yes” in High Valyrian, but of course there ought to be in Volantene. I would have expected the "yes" to just repeat the verb:dīnilŭks"I would be bound," but perhaps that was too long here. And while Latin is sim...
For example, the Latin word uirtus originally meant something close to ‘manliness’, acquiring part of the semantic range of the Greek word ἀνδρεῖα. With the conversion of the Latin-speaking world to Christianity, the semantics of this word included Christian virtue and miracles (...
We Fathers warned against Ratzinger from the first as being a hoaxster, a Modernist with a few "traditionalist" trappings for effect. He has subsequently confirmed as true every word we said about him. He is certainly in the running as the worst pope in the history of the Church. Just ...
And although knowledge of Latin is of course not necessary for an understanding of English, it certainly makes it more interesting for me, as does a bit of French. But then, unlike you, I relish English's bastard roots. What has stopped people learning modern languages in Britain has nothin...
(One World, One Race, One Disco). Let’s ignore for a moment that the word “disco” could sound so foreign that Rule and Levine might sensibly suggest renaming it “platter playback shack.” Because actually EDL’s slogan is hardly composed of Latin at all. Rather, it’s written in ...
Thekey notion I’dliketohighlight here arethe terms“polluted”,“bastardized”or,to useanothertheoreticalexpressionthathas becomeen voguein thelastde-cades,“hybrid”,²i.e. containing differenttraitsofvarious originsthatdonotHybridityaccording to Nestor Canclini’sground-breaking bookCulturas ...