1、latin verblatin inflectioni loveamfirst person singular, present tense, indicative moood active voicei loved amvfirst person singular, past tense, perfect aspect, indicative mood, active voicelatin inflectionlovedamtuspast perfect participlelovingamantuspresent participlethematic vowelamreto lovemon 2...
由或许“相关与格Dat.Refer.”或者“间宾与格Dat.I.O.”引申出一种用法,即“表动词/形容词的对象”**<Verb/Adjective,V./Adj.>。如“A is similar to B”的“to B”。一些拉丁语动词和形容词,要求用“与格”表示其对象。 { *该种用法也可能来自“相关与格Dat.Refer.”。 **这种用法和表示“对~而...
Latin Verb:拉丁语动词 LatinVerb LatinInflection Ilove firstpersonsingular,presentamōtense,indicativemooodactive voice Iloved firstpersonsingular,pasttense,amāvīperfectaspect,indicativemood,activevoice LatinInflection loved amātus pastperfectparticiple loving amantuspresentparticiple ThematicVowel amāretolove mon...
I.O.”引申出一种用法,即“表动词/形容词的对象”**<Verb/Adjective,V./Adj.>。如“A is similar to B”的“to B”。一些拉丁语动词和形容词,要求用“与格”表示其对象。 { *该种用法也可能来自“相关与格Dat.Refer.”。 **这种用法和表示“对~而言”的“相关与格Dat.Refer.”,有时难以分辨,得根...
verb lat·in·ize ˈla-tə-ˌnīz variants or Latinize latinized; latinizing transitive verb 1 a obsolete : to translate into Latin b : to give a Latin form to c : to introduce Latinisms into d : romanize sense 2 2 : to make Latin or Italian in doctrine, id...
拉丁语ad verbum意为to或near the verb。 (查看原文) [已注销]2011-03-12 18:38:00 —— 引自第9页 感叹词(interjection)源于拉丁语interiectiō,字面意思是“把某种东西扔进”,即与句子的其余部分没有句法上的联系。 (查看原文) [已注销]2011-03-12 18:41:23 ...
Verbatim et litteratim - Word for word and letter for letter Verbatim - Exactly as said Verbum sapienti satis est (verb. sap.) - A word to the wise is sufficient. Enough said Veritas Lux Mea - The truth enlightens me / The truth is my light ...
verblat·in·ize ˈla-tə-ˌnīz variants or Latinize latinized; latinizing transitive verb 1 a obsolete : to translate into Latin b : to give a Latin form to c : to introduce Latinisms into d : romanize sense 2 2 : to make Latin or Italian in doctrine, ideas, ...
act. indicative of the verb amāre 'to love', which is seen as the prototypical verb for the category of stative (or non-dynamic) verbs. Using this verb as an example, this paper attempts to show that the lexical-semantic classification of verbs proposed by Vendler (1957...
• Must-have reference tool for any student or language professional • Conjugate a verb from the dictionary results by tapping it MORE: • Translate numerals into Latin and English text with the number tool • Language swapper button to switch from Latin-English to English-Latin ...