Although I’ve included a blank chart for each declension, you really only need one blank chart. (The 1st-2nd-3rd-4th-5th declension chart headings may be cut out as cards and placed over the heading of the blank chart if you choose to use this as a match-up game.) I’ve also inc...
Demonstrabo vobis chartam lusoriam. Vos praedicabitis utrum proxima charta maior an minor sit. Vos dicetis: maior aut minor. Saxum, charta, forfices: They know and you know how to play but they must use the Latin words. Have students stand and play in pairs with eliminated players sitt...
(in both the classical and ecclesiastical pronunciations), including noun declensions and verb conjugations, and clear grammatical explanations. The audio files feature Latin students pronouncing and rhythmically repeating each vocabulary word and grammar chart in the primer—first the Latin, then ...
The line comes up one syllable short but, as shown in the next paragraph, this is not the only line in the poem with a wrong syllable count; it is not out of the question to supply an editorial je before the verb. 5 Numerous scribal errors, listed by Kemp in his critical ...
When a verb becomes passive, it needs a: is being/was being/will be The object becomes the subject and the subject becomes ablative. S aV O The boy loves the girl S pV Abl The girl is loved by the boy Task: Active to passive tennis: Come up with an English active sentence to give...
First Declension; Agreement of Adjectives 3 Second Declension; Masculine Nouns and Adjectives; Word Order 4 Neuters of the Second Declension; Summary of Adjectives; Present Indicative of Sum; Predicate Nouns and Adjectives 5 First and Second Conjugations: Future Indicative Active; Adjectives of the Fir...
1st and 2nd declension adjectives: -ē, as in cārē (dearly), from cārus (dear), stem cāro- 3rd declension adjectives: -ter, as in fortiter (bravely), from fortis (brave), stem forti- 10 Sentence Structure Download Article Traditionally the verb is last, but Latin has a relatively...