(Death to me is the reward.) Death is generally something people don't consider good for them. It usually means the end of everything. But to some, they may consider it a release from earthly burdens - that's why the phrase mors mihi lucrum was created. To some, death can be a ...
This archaic term stems from English common law, where suicide was legally a felony, thus a person who committed suicide was treated as a felon for purposes of estate disposal. pro bono for good Professional work done for free. pro se for himself Representing oneself, without counsel. Also ...
Moreover, he had written a Latin Accidence, which was used in schools more than half a century after his death; so that the good old man, even in his grave, was still the cause of trouble and stripes to idle schoolboys." View in context Phaedrus, a slave by birth or by subsequent ...
Define Late Latin. Late Latin synonyms, Late Latin pronunciation, Late Latin translation, English dictionary definition of Late Latin. n. The Latin language as used from the third to the seventh century ad. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English
Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that perverteth the people: and, behold, I, having examined him before you, have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him: 15No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is do...
Take for example: Ceteris paribus, a man will choose love over death. Notice that the phrase “ceteris paribus” clarifies a man’s decision to choose love over death. The Latin phrase indicates that if other variables are held constant, love is preferable to death. Conc...
The termphraseis an English noun that describes a short written, or spoken, expression. Synonyms for phrases includelocution, formulations,orwording. Aquoteis the exact reproduction of the wording of a group of words that someone has said or written. A quote is characterized by the fact that ...
Slang Meaning: Another term used for money Lyric Example: “Mejor háblame de chavos que esos sí que uno se los disfruta” (“Talk to me about money instead, I enjoy those more”) —“Mujeres y Chavos,” Ñejo Combi Completa Slang Meaning: Used to describe a person who has the “...
Classical Greek and Latin sources frequently use the term Chaldeans for the astronomers of Mesopotamia, who were considered as priest-scribes specializing in astrology and other forms of divination. 古典希腊文和拉丁文资料经常使用“迦勒底人(Chaldea)”一词来指称美索不达米亚的天文学家,他们实际上是专门...
Thirty-seven percent of all fetal deaths occurred at term, and 64% were antepartum. The main risk factors associated with fetal death were lack of antenatal care (adjusted relative risk [aRR]=4.26; 95% confidence interval, 3.84–4.71) and small for gestational age (aRR=3.26; 95% CI, ...