The citation form for nouns (the one normally shown in Latin dictionaries) is the nominative singular, but this typically does not exhibit the root form from which English from Latin nouns are generally derived. Latin Nouns and Adjectives Verbs In some Latin verbs, a preposition caused a vowel ...
-ject-throwprojectile lūdōlūd-lūs-playcollude, collusion mergōmerg-mers-dipemerge, immerse mittōmitt-mīs-sendcommit, missive nōscō -gnōscōnōsc- -gnōsc-nōt- -gnōt-, -gnit-knownotable cognitive pōnōpōn-posit-putcomponent; position ...
334 Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System 2 V o c a b u l a r y A s s e s s m e n t s Greek and Latin Word Roots II 1. What does the Latin root -ject- mean in these words? project, inject, projectile, reject ___ 2. What does the Greek root -chron- mean in...
Latin Root English Meaning English Example Word act act, do actual ami like, love amiable cad fall cadence ced go intercede cept take, hold intercept cid kill, cut genocide clud shut, close occlude cred believe incredulous cur run incur dict tell edict duct lead induct fact make, do ...
LatinRootswordsLanguagePrefixesEnglishexamplevocabularyResearchGreek 系统标签: latinrootsprefixeshighbeamsuffixesinterject |ArtsandEntertainment>Writing&Language>LatinandGreekWordElementsLatinRoots,Prefixes,andSuffixesLatinwasthelanguagespokenbytheancientRomans.AstheRomansconqueredmostofEurope,theLatinlanguagespreadthroughout...
[TUBER, TUBERIS] : N tumor, protuberance, bump, excrescence; truffle; plant with tubereous root; [TUBICEN, TUBICINIS] : N trumpeter; [TUBILUSTRIUM, TUBILUSTRI(I)] : N feast of trumpets (on the 23rd of march and 23rd of may); ...