Tanto fortior, tanto felicior! -- The more pluck, the better luck!Tantum quantum -- Just as much as.Tantum vertice in auras / Aetherias quantum radice in Tartara tendit -- Its summit stretches as far into the upper ether as its root into the nether deep....
The type [fiˈjejam] may be a purely local creation of a past imperfective form of the verb ‘to be’, combining the fi- root with the imperfect tense endings found in other verbs.3 What the comparative Daco-Romance data really tell us These data suggest that in the proto-language a...
The citation form for nouns (the one normally shown in Latin dictionaries) is the nominative singular, but this typically does not exhibit the root form from which English from Latin nouns are generally derived. Latin Nouns and Adjectives Verbs In some Latin verbs, a preposition caused a vowel ...
e-themesif we assume that e-themes are formed the same way as other themes, the e-themes remain regularthis argues for a phonological rule that deletes the thematic ee 8、-theme verbsnotice also that if the final consonant of the root is g, it changes to ceg. fiction from fig + e ...
Latin Verb:拉丁语动词 LatinVerb LatinInflection Ilove firstpersonsingular,presentamōtense,indicativemooodactive voice Iloved firstpersonsingular,pasttense,amāvīperfectaspect,indicativemood,activevoice LatinInflection loved amātus pastperfectparticiple loving amantuspresentparticiple ThematicVowel amāretolove mon...
Latin quotesis great for anyone who's ever wanted to come off as a bit wittier, a bit cleverer, and a bit more worldly. Not only were theRomansknown for their wisdomand way with words, but tossing out a bit of Latin in the middle of conversation reallymakes an impression. ...
This is considered the most useful of them all, for beneath nearly all of the leaves there are small shoots (cauliculis) thrown out, peculiar to this variety. 4. Pompeianum [From Pompeii] It is considerably taller, the stalk, which is thin at the root, increasing in thickness as ...
The unit root tests affirm all the variables to be stationary at first difference, and the Westerlund (Oxf Bull Econ Stat 69(6):709-748,2007) cointegration test confirms the long-run relationship among the variables. The augmented mean group (AMG) and the common correlated effects mean group...
On these things you have to root yourself. Many years later, this is James Legge’s English translation: “When respect is shown according to what is proper, one keeps far from shame and disgrace” (Legge 1960). Another Latin word used is “benignitas”. Benignitas is the quality of ...