Latin death quotes don't always have to be grim or dark - some of them can be badass. There's nothing quite like sending your opponent off to the next life while reciting a cool Latin one-liner. So, here are somebadass Latin sayingsfor you. ...
Ante mortem - Before death Ante prandium (A.p.) - Before a meal Ante - Before Antebellum - Before the war Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem - In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags Anulos qui...
Morituri te salutant - Those who are about to die salute you Mors ultima linea rerum est - Death is everything's final limit. (Horace) Mors ultima ratio - Death is the final accounting Mortvi non mordant - Dead me don't bite; Dead men tell no tale Motu proprio - Of one's own ini...
Ante mortem - Before death Ante prandium (A.p.) - Before a meal Ante - Before Antebellum - Before the war Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem - In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags Anulos qui...
Causa mortis - Death Cause Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book. (Latin Epigram) Cave canem, te necet lingendo - Beware of the dog, he may lick you to death Cave canem - Beware of the dog Cave cibum, valde malus est - Beware the food, it is ver...
Pallida mors - Pale Death. (Horace) Palmam qui meruit ferat - Let him who has earned it bear the reward Panem et circenses - Bread and circuses. Food and games to keep people happy. (Juvenalis) Par pare refero - I return like for like tit for tat retaliation ...
Causa mortis - Death Cause Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book. (Latin Epigram) Cave canem, te necet lingendo - Beware of the dog, he may lick you to death Cave canem - Beware of the dog Cave cibum, valde malus est - Beware the food, it is ver...
In articulo mortis - At the moment of death In banco - On the bench In camera - In private chamber In capite - In chief In cavda venenvm - In the tail [is the] poison. Watch out for what you don't see In curia - In court ...
Latin Phrases About Death 27. Respice finem A reminder of one's mortality, this phrase means, "Consider the end," and is the motto of several universities. Since we tend to feel pretty invincible in our teens and 20s, it's a useful reality check and an encouragement to make the most ...
This is where you can find badass Latin phrases and quotes. You can use them to motivate yourself, as a Tattoo, in order to impress your friends or to just be a badass. The following badass Latin quotes deal with the topics of death and strength. You will also discover cool Latin ph...