An affix is officially defined as “a bound inflectional or derivational element, as a prefix, infix, or suffix, added to a base or stem to form a fresh stem or a word, as –ed added to want to form wanted, or im– added to possible to form impossible.” What are the 7 types of...
using oaks and beech as a larval host. Restricted to the southern half of England, with a preference for mature and/or ancient woodland, although it has also been recorded in old hedgerows with mature oaks. The larva overwinters in a cocoon in the leaf litter. Both generic and specific na...
“Be careful. These are dangerous times. The devil would like you to believe that the battle for the ancient Mass has been all but won. But have no doubt.He hates the ancient Massand anyone who has devotion to it, and in particular those who...
We don't have "oath" or "keep," so I figured "promise holder" would suffice. Well, we actually have three HV words for "hold":oregon,pilogon, andraelagon. At first I went withOressiros Kivȳti(I was thinking thejor-prefix might be nice, just to emphasize that this person keeps...