Melissa officinalisBalm(Sweet balm / Lemon balm / Honey plant / Cure all) Mentha piperitaPeppermint Monarda didymaBergamot N Nepeta catariaCatnip O Ocimum basilicumBasil Oenothera biennisEvening primrose Origanum majoranaMajoram Oxycoccus macrocarpusCranberry ...
A Dictionary of Iranian Plant Names: Latin - English - Persian.Mozaffarian, VMozaffarian, VAMozaffarian, V
Japanese-Latin-Chinese Dictionary of Aquatic Commercial Animal and Plant Names,本书收列水产动植物名称约16 000条,包括鱼类、甲壳类、软体动物、藻类、水生植物、水生昆虫、两栖类、棘皮动物、鸟类、兽类等。每一词条均有日文名称、拉丁名称及汉语名称对照,附录部分
plant latin names 36個詞語 oliviad948 預覽 stage 16 vocab 27個詞語 ellesparrago 預覽 Ch 1 vocab 36個詞語 acker007 預覽 Evidence and Confession: #8 10個詞語 angelale318 預覽 chapter 3 vocab - verbs/adverbs/pronouns/prepositions 7個詞語 kmayberry6 預覽 Latin 1 20個詞語 Aadenraines3 預覽 Mas...
(Biology) a system for naming plants and animals by means of two Latin names: the first indicating the genus and the second the species to which the organism belongs, as inPanthera leo(the lion) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishe...
But I did survive those changes, and some of the misunderstood songs gained traction. Like"Amor y Control"[the title track of a genre defying 1992 album], which has become a mandatory part of my set list, wherever I go. Going back to the GRAMMYS, was there a particular victory t...
Plant names. This first volume of a two-volume dictionary contains over 6000 entries constituting a list of English, French, German, Latin and Russian names of plants, ... P Macura 被引量: 1发表: 1979年 Elsevier's Dictionary of Botany: Plant Names, in English, French, German and Latin ...
This list includesCyriopagopus lividus,a burrow-dwelling tarantula native to Myanmar and Thailand, which goes by the colloquial name of Cobalt Blue tarantula. People who keep them as pets praise the beauty of their iridescent blue colour. ...
Agric., the pathogens are listed under hosts and there is an index of English and Cambodian common names and Latin names.A supplementary list of ... SC Litzenberger,ML Farr,TL Ho - A supplementary list of Cambodian plant diseases. 被引量: 10发表: 1962年 Domesday names : an index of ...