The following section is a compilation of some Latin phrases about war. Some of these are quoted by famous people, which date back to ancient times. Some phrases are inspiring that give you strength, and most of all, they give you an insight into how soldiers or anyone feels in a war-l...
Consensu omnium - By the agreement of all Consensus audacium - An agreement of rash men. (a conspiracy) (Cicero) Consuetudinis magna vis est - The force of habit is great. (Cicero) Consule planco - In the consulship of Plancus (In the good old days) (Horace) Consummatum est - ...
In loco parentis - In the place of a parent In loco - In the place of In magnis et voluisse sat est - To once have wanted is enough in great deeds. (Propertius) In media res - In or into the middle of a sequence of events. (Horace) In medias res - Into the midst of things...
Casus belli - Event (that is the justification for, or the cause) of war Causarum justia et misericordia - For the causes of justice and mercy Causa mortis - Death Cause Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book. (Latin Epigram) ...
bona fide - “in good faith” When applied to business deals and the like, it stresses the absence of fraud or deception. 光明正大 bellum omnium contra omnes - the war of all against all - is the description that Thomas Hobbes gives to human existence in the State of Nature thought exper...
Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for the war. (Vegetius) Sic ad nauseam - And so on to the point of causing nausea Sic erat in fatis - So it was fated Sic faciunt omnes - Everyone is doing it Sic friatur crustum dulce - That's the way the cookie crumbles...
Ab aeterno - From the beginning of time Ab asino lanam - Wool from an ass, blood from a stone impossible Ab hinc - From here on Ab imo pectore - From the bottom of the chest. (from the heart) (Julius Caesar) Ab incunabulis - From the cradle ...
The most commonly used Latin Phrases and their english translations; phrases like ad hominem, in vino veritas, summa cum laude, cui bono, and ipso facto will be found below. If you don't find what you are looking for here, the phrase maybe a proverb or motto in which case you should ...
Nervos belli, pecuniam. (Nervus rerum.) - The nerve of war, money. (The nerve of things.) (Cicero) Nescio quid dicas - I don't know what you're talking about Neutiquam erro - I am not lost Nihil ad rem - Nothing to do with the point ...
Consensu omnium - By the agreement of all Consensus audacium - An agreement of rash men. (a conspiracy) (Cicero) Consuetudinis magna vis est - The force of habit is great. (Cicero) Consule planco - In the consulship of Plancus (In the good old days) (Horace) Consummatum est - ...