This is a Latin dictionary and grammar—two books in one. It also has supplements on Roman history, life and culture; words and phrases used in English; and more. Did you know...if you refresh your page you get a new quote from eitherAmo, Amas, Amat and MoreorVeni, Vidi, Vici? Do...
hic et nunc - here and now 此时此地 horro vacui - In visual art, horror vacui or kenophobia is the filling of the entire surface of a space or an artwork with detail. In physics, horror vacui reflects Aristotle's idea that "nature abhors an empty space." 广场恐怖,空旷空间恐怖——因此...
subjunctive. Where earlier writers might have used prepositional phrases, Classical authors preferred bare nominal-case forms as terser and more exact. Complex sentences with subtle use of distinctive conjunctions were a feature of the Classical language, and effective play was made with the ...
Over 1,900 Latin Mottos, Latin Phrases, Latin Quotes and Latin Sayings with English Translations. Bis vivit qui bene vivit He lives twice who lives well.
There are even Latin phrases that have become so naturalized that we don't think twice when using them.Many Latin expressions like these are quite familiar and used regularly, but there seem to be just as many words and phrases that go criminally underused. We've compiled a list of 65 ...
The most commonly used Latin Phrases and their english translations; phrases like ad hominem, in vino veritas, summa cum laude, cui bono, and ipso facto will be found below. If you don't find what you are looking for here, the phrase maybe a proverb or motto in which case you should ... use words and phrases from Latin. [1580–90; < Late Latin] Lat`in•i•za′tion,n. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
There were so many elements to his art that weren’t necessarily reflected in his hits. Like his amazing charisma, or the way he danced, which was inspired byJames Brown. I’m always investigating the influences of my favorite artists, because that’s how I get to know where they came ...
Latin may be a "dead" language, but it sounds elegant and intelligent. You don't have to waste hours of your time learning the entire language, because knowing just a few key phrases will do the trick. Once you explain what they mean to your friends, they'll consider you the smartest...
There were so many elements to his art that weren’t necessarily reflected in his hits. Like his amazing charisma, or the way he danced, which was inspired byJames Brown. I’m always investigating the influences of my favorite artists, because that’s how I get to know where they came ...