para bellum— prepare for war; if you want peace, prepare for war; if a country is ready for war, its enemies are less likely to attack parvis imbutus tentabis grandia tutus— when you are steeped in little things, you shall safely attempt great things; sometimes translated as, “once ...
Here, it is an advantage if you emphasize or summarize statements briefly and concisely with a Latin phrase. In addition, it looks very educated if you know common scientific expressions from Latin. You always Have a suitable Quote ready Latin quotes can still be found in abundance on WhatsApp...
responsibilities, and regrets. To symbolize that, we say to others who have passed, "rest in peace." In regions where there is a belief in the afterlife, many people believe that life after death is peaceful, free of the darkness of real life. This phrase is an affirmation of that belie...
Another good Latin phrase is “silent enim leges inter arma”, “in times of war, the laws fall silent”. The maxim was rephrased as “inter arma enim silent leges” and was used after September 11 by the US media to whip up the population into supporting GWB’s warmongering. The phra...
The liturgy of the 1962 Daily Missal is better known as the “Traditional Latin Rite” or “Traditional Roman Rite”, and since 2007 as the “Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite”, a phrase used in Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007 Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum to describe the liturgy of the ...
One big contributor to the pura vida frustration is the phrase “mañana,” which you probably thought meant “tomorrow.” It doesn’t. At least, not usually. It could mean Friday, next Tuesday, the beginning of October, or even never. However, the one thing it does always mean is “...
The sumak kawsay is a phrase by the indigenous Quechua people from South America, usually translated as ‘good living’ or ‘living well’. According to the Ecuadorian planning agency, cited by De Souza, this concept ‘seeks to achieve the satisfaction of needs, the attainment of the quality ...
Every thought you con- demn to saying and doing ill even the animals do not want you as a friend. If you see someone who at heart has virtue or peace, Straightaway to do him in you nd for him your follower. Without true cause saying great falsehoods, he does not let up night or...
we may be able to collaborate with You to spread far and wide a civilization of love. How did that little phrase –“civilization of love” – become so tied to Paul VI ? After that first use in 1970, Paul used the phrase in 23 other documents during the last three years of his lif...
To borrow a phrase from my grandfather, it’s a hell of a note to think that the TLM could possibly hang in the balance simply because somebody at the Vatican did or did not pay attention in accounting and statistics classes. Aegidius says: 3 June 202...