Lat′in al′phabet n. the alphabetical script derived from the Greek alphabet through Etruscan, used for the writing of Latin and adopted, with modifications and additions, by the languages of W Europe, including English. Also calledRoman alphabet. ...
and an extraordinary desire of learning--for every leisure hour she was always found reading in the books of the scholars--had the good-nature, or folly--just as the reader pleases to call it--to instruct her so far, that she obtained a competent skill in the Latin language, and was,...
The way in which vowels developed in prehistoric Latin suggests the possibility of a stress accent on the first syllable of each word; in later times, however, the accent fell on the penultimate syllable or, when this had “light” quantity, on the antepenultimate. The nature of this accent...
brought many modernizing changes to the performance of themass. Since then the use of the traditional Latin mass has increasingly become acontentiousissue between Catholics who have accepted and adapted to the reforms of Vatican II and those who make up a growing traditionalist movement in the ...
- nature, innate talent (noun): ingenious, ingenuity ingens, ingentis - huge (adjective): ingent (obsolete) ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum - advance, walk; enter, go into; begin (verb): ingress, ingredient, ingressive inimicitia, inimicitiae f. - unfriendliness, enmity, hostility (noun...
法律英语中的拉丁语词汇Latin Words in Legal English来源:王堃一的日志 ab initio(自始,例:void ab initio自始无效)from the beginning ad hoc(特别;特定;为某一目的特设,例:ah hoc committee特设委员会;临时委员会;专门委员会)for this purpose ad litem(专为某一诉讼目的;例:agent ad litem诉讼代理人)fo...
Hominis est errare, insipientis perseverare -- It is the nature of man to err, of a fool to persevere in error.Homo multarum literarum -- A man of many letters, i.e., of extensive learning.Homo multi consilii et optimi -- A man always ready to give his advice, and that the ...
ine- nature of- feminine, genuine, medicine ion, sion, tion- act, result, or state of- cancellation, contagion, infection, crenellation ish- origin, nature, resembling- foolish, Irish, clownish, impish ism- system, manner, condition, characteristic- alcoholism, communism, capitalism, ist- one...
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Regardless of whether a threefold periodization is favored, the introduction of Christianity represents the clearest boundary line as far as the nature of loanwords is concerned (Kastovsky 1992, p. 305). From the 7th century onwards, the church, with its organization and rituals, becomes the ric...