Aurora Borealis goddess of the northern dawn the 'Northern Lights' atmospheric display, at certain times in the night sky far north - Aurora is the Roman goddess of the dawn - Borealis meaning northen in Latin is taken from the Greek Boreas, god of the north wind - Aurora Australis is lit...
a prefix meaning “descendant,” in Irish family names:O'Brien; O'Connor. [representing Irishódescendant, Old Irishau] o-1 ,Chem. ortho-. o-2 , var. ofob-beforem: omission. o-3 , var. ofoo-:oidium. -o- the typical ending of the first element of compounds of Greek origin, use...
Daoriot jemas: I heard this as a passivejemaksbut otherwise got it right. So the literal meaning is "it leads nowhere." Honestly I'm surprised that HV allows "lead" to be used this way: I would think it would require either a passive (which would be very Latin) or an "instrumentiv...
你或许知道,春分的英文是equinox,这个词其实来自拉丁语aequinoctium,表示白天与黑夜等长,这也就是春分的天文学意义:这一天太阳直射赤道,南北半球昼夜平分,标志着春天的到来。 The word equinox comes from the Latin term aequinoctium, meaning equality between day and night (aequi = equal and noct = night)....
although it has also been recorded in old hedgerows with mature oaks. The larva overwinters in a cocoon in the leaf litter. Both generic and specific names of this species have made me smile:Apoda– poda means a foot, the prefix meaning it is almost footless – the larva is small, bri...
In his letters, he often discusses the precise meaning of Latin terms and their rela-tion to Greek ones.93But, as we have seen, he does not seem to use them moreunambiguously in hisNaturales quaestiones. In general, his aristocratic mannersapparently made him less interested in scientific stri...
poly- (G) many (polybasic, polychromatic, polymer, polymorphic, polyp); poly and pous - foot; Combining form of names, meaning many of some structure (Polyodontidae) pons- bridge porc- pig porphyr- purple porta- gate post- L – after – posterior potam- river potero- drinking ...
Diaspora is a Greek term meaning “scattering, spread out, or disperse.” When used in conjunction with the history of Africa, the term “African Diaspora” generally refers to the dispersal of Africans and African culture primarily as the result of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. ...
In fact, it was from the text of these tropes that the various Gregorian-chant Masses acquired their names, such as Mass XI, known as Orbis factor from the Kyrie trope that began Orbis factor, rex aeterne [Creator of the world, eternal King]. ...
According to the document’s logic, opening societies to the diversity of the world (meaning its investment capital and products) fulfills the spirit of multicultural inclusiveness that would “include all the world’s poor in the expanding circle of development.”38 Similarly, t...