And in the multiple common names of the fungusEntoloma sinuatum(syn.E. lividum) one gets the sense of mycologists grasping for a clearer description of its colouration: the Livid Entoloma, Livid Pinkgill, Leaden Entoloma, and Lead Poisoner – suggestions of pink, purple, and leaden blue-grey...
On this occasion in Europe we watched the insect for a while and this time it stayed apparently motionless in mid air for enough time for me to get the camera ready. This expandable image shot was taken at 1/1000 second at f7.1 and even at that speed the wings are still a blur...
“caste,” or variety of mixture. Colonial legal restrictions on intermarriage are mocked in these paintings, which show people ignoring the law. The more ethnically mixed couples produce offspring withironicnames like “throwback” and “hanging in the air”; these motley families behave poorly ...