Apio opus est -- There is need of parsley, i.e., to strew on the grave, meaning that one is dying.A posse ad esse -- From possibility to actuality.A posteriori -- From the effect to the cause; by induction.A priori -- From the cause to the effect; by deduction....
Vice versa:From the Latin meaning "to change" or "turn around," this term means to reverse the order of something. This quote from Samuel Butler provides an example, "In the midst of vice we are in virtue, and vice versa." Alma mater:If you don't know this term already, you'll b...
at certain times in the night sky far north - Aurora is the Roman goddess of the dawn - Borealis meaning northen in Latin is taken from the Greek Boreas, god of the north wind - Aurora Australis is literally 'goddess of the southern dawn', and refers to the 'Southern Lights' (being ...
Viceversa:(反之亦然)FromtheLatinmeaning"tochange"or"turnaround,"thisterm meanstoreversetheorderofsomething.ThisquotefromSamuelButlerprovidesanexample,"In themidstofviceweareinvirtue,andviceversa." Almamater:(母校尤指大学)Ifyoudon'tknowthistermalready,you'llbecomequite ...
(Caesar is here used in the meaning emperor.) Adopted as his personal motto by Cesare Borgia. Aut vincere aut mori "Either conquer or die". Ave atque vale "Hail and farewell!" — from Catullus, carmen 101, addressed to his deceased brother. Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria "Hail Europe,...