Several cases studies have used the IPCC guidelines, where open burning emissions can be estimated by multiplying the quantity of rice straw subject to open burning with a combustion factor (fraction of the mass combusted during the course of a fire) and emission factors of the different GHGs ...
Once imported, mass production of parasitoids is needed to improve the chance of establishment. For example, when P. coffea was introduced to Colombia from Togo (Africa) a mass production method was developed [131,153], which enabled the species to be transported to other countries in South ...
(atractylodes\-macrocephaia\); 本草綱目 < an\-outline\-treatise\-of\-medical\-herbs\,\-compiled\-by\-li3\-shi2\-zhen1\-李時珍; 玠 < large\-jade\-tablet\-used\-by\-officials\-at\-court\-to\-indicate\-their\-ranks; 吃大戶 < mass\-seizure\-of\-food\-f...
Sophie Adams, Florent Baarsch, Marcia Rocha, Michiel Schaeffer, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner & Olivia Serdeczny University of New South Wales, High St, Kensington, NSW, 2052, Australia Sophie Adams Overseas Development Institute, 203 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ, UK ...