The questions were: 1) medical and postgraduate training, 2) three hypothetical cases with several therapeutic options a) Down syndrome with duodenal atresia; b) dorsolumbar myelomenin- gocele with hydrocephalus; c) very low birthweight NB and peri- .natal asphyxia) and 3) general ethical ...
At GO only 10%(n=5) of children pre s e nted normal lipid levels. The 110 group had l ower l evel of dislipoproteinemias (type IV=13.6%) (n=3);IIa=13.6%(n=3); IIb=9X (n=2) a nd only 4.5% of them had c ardiovascular familial antecede nt.s .This group had 27 more ...
it is often thought that it had been used only by the elite, but some suggest that it was a result of wholesaleslaughterof the Roman British. It is, however, more likely that the pattern ofAnglo-Saxonsettlements was not in conflict with the Romano-Celtic and that the latter were gradually...
R. Kerr (1973), who proposed use of these designs for experiments in three space dimensions, for example in an incubator or refrigerated fruit store. The use of latin cubes, etc., to produce main-effect plans has had much attention from Soviet authors, notably E. V. Markova; the ...
That Batu paragliding day trip was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I’m so happy I just got tired of having such a tough first week in Indonesia that I simply went for it. I finally made the decision to stop beating myself up for everything that had gone wrong lat...
El Salvador: Women serving prison terms for abortions they said they never had U.S to spend $1.5 million in Mexico, Central America for wildlife preservation Number of Africans, surge in Latin America trying to get to the U.S. More from “Central America” Chile Arica, Chile 6.3 Earthquak...
However, in 2023, the downward trend had been interrupted, representing 73.7% of the region’s GDP. This change in trajectory is primarily explained by the abrupt increase in the public debt-to-GDP ratio in Argentina: General government gross debt reached 156.7% of GDP at the end of 2023,...
Eleven (29%) had metabolic syndrome according to the Ferranti criteria. Values measured in IMT bulb and internal carotid artery were significantly higher in obese children compared with controls (IMT Bulb: 0.53 Ϯ 0.2 mm vs. 0.37 Ϯ 0.1 mm, p Ͻ0.0001; IMT internal carotid: 0.48 Ϯ ...
Conclusion: WC, W/HtR and BMI had limited specificity to detect metabolic risk factors associated to child obesity. W/HtR showed to be a risk indicator, in addition to BMI and WC, only for increased LDL-cholesterol level in prepubertal obese boys. 4 DIFFERENCES IN CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND ...
and what types of support they wanted to receive. Participants were asked about violence they had experienced as members of the three study populations; time frames were not specified so that participants could share experiences of their own choice regardless of when they occurred. To make participa...