我们不能说“I have been fled(我已经被逃离)”或“I have been existed(我已经被存在)”,这没有意义。 对于这些动词,第四基本形态是将来时主动语态分词(future active participle通常为阳性主格单数形式)。将来时主动分词以-ūrus结尾,译为“about to blank”。 fugitūrus= about to flee / going to flee s...
3. The Pluperfect Active Subjunctive 4. The Passive Voice in English 5. The Passive Voice in Latin 6. A Theory of Tenses 7. The Present Passive 8. The Imperfect Passive 9. The Perfect Passive 10. Ablative Absolutes 11. The Pluperfect Passive 12. The Future Tense 13. The Future Perfect...
The present active indicative first person singular of love is love, the simple past tense and the past participle = loved. If you learn the verb is "love" or "to love" you know to add the "-d" for the past. This makes it seem onerous to have tolearn four formsfor each Latin ver...
The fourth principal part of these verbs is either the neuter form of the perfect passive participle for verbs intransitive verbs which take an indirect object in the dative case, or the future active participle for other intransitive verbs. (Examples: asto, astare, asteti, astatum I assist,...
Future active participle Something that is about to happen Cult of Mithras -Became god of truth and justice -Initiates into the rites of Mithras went through seven grades of initiation, involving various tests, in Mithraea that were designed to look like caves or were built partially underground...
I may have missed this in part because he had also said (IRC, Oct 16 2013) that the PH participle wasdohaertiarza(using that very example even!). It never occurred to us that this was the past-habitualpassiveparticiple, and there's a corresponding active participle (now known to bedo...
Like the infinitive, the participle is a non-finite verbal form. The participle is a verbal adjective, whereas the infinitive acts like a verbal noun. Latin conjugations have two participles in the active voice (present and future) and two participles in the passive voice (perfect and future)...
The Passive Voice functions similarly in English and Latin. To form Latin Passive Voice verbs for the present, imperfect, and future tenses, new endings must be memorized. Luckily, these endings form patterns like their active voice counterparts so no new constructions are necessary. However, th...
(present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect), three moods (indicative, imperative and subjunctive, in addition to theinfinitive, participle, gerund, gerundive and supine), three persons (first, second, and third), two numbers (singular and plural), two voices (active ...
quo + coni., quo magis, future participle).20See Torrego (1994: 143) who describes the historic present in Livy as a bridge,“comotiempo de conexion entre dos partes de una unidad narrativa”. This metaphor comes close towhat we call forward and backward linking. See also Pinkster (1998...