high schools each year, these students' citizenship statuses serve as a barrier to the admission, financing, and completion of higher education (UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education, 2007). Little is known about the experiences of undocumented Latin@ college students and university educators...
Springer (全网免费下载) Springer 掌桥科研 ResearchGate law.ucla.edu (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Fiscal Redistribution and Income Inequality in Latin America This paper documents and compares the redistributive performance of Latin American and Western European fiscal systems. Three ...
E s c o l a P a u l i s t a d e M e d i c i n a , SZo P a u l ~ , ~ B r a za~n dl UCLA-Medical S c h o o l , C a l i f o r n i a , USA. The a i m o f t h i s s t u d y is t o m e a s u r e serum I g G , A, M ...
was provided by Kenneth Sokoloff, the UCLA Department of Economics, the Economic History Association, the All-UC Economic History Group, the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association-LACEA, the UCLA-Latin American Center, the UCLA-Global Fellows Program, and the Institute for Humane Studies...
Visiting reseacher at the University of British Columbia (UBC, Canada) and at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, USA) Pesquisador visitante na University of British Columbia (UBC, Canadá) e na University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, EUA)Courses...
Paper prepared for the China – Latin America meeting at UCLA Asia Institute: “From the Great Wall to the New World: China and Latin America in the 21st Century”, 15-16 April 2011. Abstract Analyses of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) sometimes question the investment criteria of ...
together a series of lively and sometimes polemical perspectives on the political dimensions of Mario Vargas Llosa's writings. Indispensable reading for anyone seeking a better understanding of Vargas Llosa's intellectual trajectory." - Maarten Van Delden, Professor of Latin American Literature, UCLA ...
NORC—University of Chicago; The Williams Institute—UCLA. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/public-attitudes-nov-2014.pdf Stevenson, M. (Ed.). (1988). Promoting tolerance for homosexuality: An evaluation of intervention strategies. Journal of Sex Research, 25(Nov 88),...
Our round table brings together scholars and community activists who are collaborating in the Mapping Indigenous Los Angeles Project (MILA) co-directed by Maylei Blackwell, Mishuana Goeman, and Wendy Teeter at UCLA. Participants will share their research in collaboratively creating a digital ...
Emergences : women's struggles for livelihood in Latin America edited by John Friedmann, Rebecca Abers, Lilian Autler (UCLA Latin American studies, v. 82) University of California, 1996doi:10.1016/S0362-3319(97)90056-2Laura T. Raynolds