Latin Americans Warn of Debt Threat; Presidents See Economic Crisis as Danger to Survival of DemocracyEugene Robinson
We examine the evolution of Latin American cities in the last two decades of the twentieth century and in the first years of the twenty-first on the basis
During the debt crisis of 1980s in Latin American countries, most of these countries have resorted to import restrictions due to serious shortages of foreign exchanges the pay for their imports. The study is an analysis of several Latin American countries using Panel date during the debt crisis ...
The policy debate over the Latin American debt crisis has shifted from the issue of short-term adjustment to that of long-term restructuring. The history of import substituting industrialization (IS) is reviewed in order to establish a context for the current restructuring debates. We argue that ...
The Latin American Debt Crisis in Historical Perspective The debt crisis of the 1980s is the most traumatic economic event in Latin America's economic history. During the "lost decade" that it generated, the region's 1 per capita GDP fell from 112 percent to 98 percent of the world average...
S. the process took a hundred years and a lot of bloodshed. In many places in the south today, the Civil War between 1861 and 1865 is still referred to as the “War between the States”. A lesson from the American experience may be that an important and yet intangible benefit of ...
The Latin American debt crisis, which broke out in August 1982, was the first global financial crisis in the postwar period. While the crisis started in the &qudoi:10.2139/ssrn.2365792Clement, PietMaes, IvoSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
本文从欧元区货币政策与财政政策入手,在阐述欧元区货币政策与财政政策“二元结构矛盾”的同时,分析了其是如何导致债务危机的爆发,并从货币政策与财政政策相互协调的角度给出相应的改革措施,最后阐述了此次欧债危机对亚洲货币合作在财政政策与货币政策协调方面的相关启示。 Content abstract: The debt crisis, this gives...
s economies. Slower global growth could remove the recent counterbalancing effect of higher commodity prices.59Given that Latin American governments and corporations have a high proportion of debt denominated in US dollars relative to others, the region’s ability to service its debt is particularly ...
world; it may need help from the IMF to avoid a debt crisis, or turn instead to inflationary finance. Mexico suffers from threats to the rule of law, a president seemingly determined to scare off private investment, and an unpredictable northern neighbour, which is also its biggest export ...