We found an association between glycemia and mortality (pϭ0.001, chi square with Yates correctionϭ10.703, ORϭ2.782, IC 1.5-5.1). Mortality was higher in children with glycemia Ͼ120 mg/dL than in the control group (23.3% vs 9.9%, pϭ0.001). Hyperglycemic patients with values ...
Department of Population Health Sciences, School of Public Health, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA Gerardo Chowell Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability, Kyoto University Yoshida-Nakaadachi-Cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan Kenji Mizumoto Hakubi Center for Advanced...
InterAmerican Heart Foundation. Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean; Civil society report; InterAmerican Heart Foundation: Dallas, TX, USA, 2010. 20. Thrasher, J.F.; Boado, M.; Sebrié, E.M.; Bianco, E. Smoke-free policies and the ...
Association between Active Transportation and Public Transport with an Objectively Measured Meeting of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity and Daily Steps Guidelines in Adults by Sex from Eight Latin American Countries. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 11553. https://doi.org/...
Salabarría-Peña, Y.; Apt, B.S.; Walsh, C.M.Practical Use of Program Evaluation among Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Programs; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Atlanta, GA, USA, 2007. A Comparative Analysis of Evaluation Utilization and Its Cognate Fields of Inquiry: Current...