Latin America and the Caribbeaninternational tradecompetitivenessPopulation, natural resources and domestic market size have been the traditional components of the equation determining the wealth of nations, according to classical economists. The new lines of research opened up by endogenous growth theories ...
Latin America and Caribbean: social media reach 2025, by country Published by , Feb 12, 2025 As of February 2025, more than 76 percent of the population of Uruguay was on social media. On the other hand, approximately 22 percent of Haitians used social networking platforms. Among the lar...
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is one of the fastest aging geographic regions in the developing world. The growth in the percentage of elderly (the number of those aged 65 and older divided by the total population) between 2000 and 2025 is project
in Latin America and the Caribbean." Inter-AmericanIn Latin America and the Caribbean, 22% of female teenagers in the 15-19 year age group indicated that they had sex before the age of 15 (Unicef Report, 2011). According to this report, many of these teenagers were unaware of the need... OPEN SUBJECT CATEGORIES » Geography » Malaria » Sustainability » Environmental sciences High-resolution gridded population datasets for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2010, 2015, and 2020 Alessandro Sorichetta1,2, Graeme M. Hornby3, Forrest R. Stevens4, ...
Choose a region: Central and South America Home to an online populationof more than 543.39 million people in 2022, Latin America & the Caribbean is the fifth largest regional social media market worldwide, with more than 306.76 million users of these platforms solely in the subregion of South...
cepal -加强拉丁美洲和加勒比地区应对全球升温 1.5。C 超调风险的区域能力 Strengthening regional capacities to address the risk of and from overshooting 1.5。C global warming in Latin America and the Caribbean 热度: 拉丁美洲经济委员会-2023年美国-拉丁美洲和加勒比贸易发展 United States-Latin America and ...
A new report by the World Wildlife Fund shows an alarming drop in the population of wild animals around the globe over the last fifty years. The situation is at its worst in Latin America and the Caribbean with a decline of 94 percent seen since 1970. For more, check...
This paper addresses the deceptively simple question: What is the rural population of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)? It argues that rurality is a gradient, not a dichotomy, and nominates two dimensions to that gradient: population density and remoteness from large metropolitan areas. It ...
After the recognition of AIDS as a new disease entity and isolation of HIV as the causative agent in the early 1980s, a controversial debate about adequate measures to reduce the spread of HIV developed. In all developed countries a strategy based on education about modes of HIV transmission,...