post festum - after the fact; too late; after feast. 事后诸葛亮 post hoc ergo propter hoc : after this, therefore because of this. 以为一件事先于另一件事发生,故该事件为另一事件原因。 pro-forma - (“as a matter of form” or “for the sake of form”) describe a practice or docume...
After three years without travelling abroad due to the pandemic, there’s still a lingering sense of unease within me. In the days leading up to the trip, I found myself having nightmares almost every night—ranging from ...
EX POST FACTO - After the fact. The Constitution prohibits the enactment of ex post facto laws. These are laws that permit conviction and punishment for a lawful act performed before the law was changed and the act made illegal. GUARDIAN AD LITEM - A person appointed by a court to look ...
5. SCHOOL:Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word "school". Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories. 6. LANGUAGES:Rank these with your partner. Put the most important at the ...
AfterShip (Independent Publisher) AgilePoint NX Agilite Ahead Ahead (Intranet) AIForged AIHW MyHospitals (Independent Publisher) AikiDocs Airlabs Airly (Independent Publisher) Airmeet airSlate Airtable (Independent Publisher) [已弃用] Alemba ITSM Aletheia Alkymi allGeo Ally Almabase Almanac (Independent ...
根据文章第四段 “This was painted just after she and Rivera got divorced. If you look closely. you can see that the Mexican Kahlo holds a portrait of Rivera. Symbols such as the exposed hearts and stormy sky suggest the pain that Kahlo felt. Check out how one of the hearts is broken....
【SYNONYM】 consecutive 【ROOTs】⑴suc(sub);below⑵cess(cede);move, go⑶ive;adjective suffix successor[noun]fromsuccess < cede 【DEFINITION】 Someone's successor is the person who takes their job after they have left.
From the 4th to the early 7th century, most Christian books—biblical, patristic, and liturgical—were written in the uncial script, and even for pagan literature uncial almost entirely superseded rustic capitals. It survived the collapse of the Roman book trade. And, after the 6th century, whe...
There is a fun fact that may spook you first: Latin women will strive to introduce you to their families after a few weeks of dating. Be not afraid, lad. This is an old Latin tradition, and you better pretend to be incredibly eager to meet her relatives unless you don’t want to ...
Done, made, or formulated after the fact. 事后的、事后做的、事后制定的。 When Carl tells us his "reasons" for why he behaved badly, they're nothing but ex post facto excuses for impulsive behavior. 当卡尔告诉他为什么表现不好的“原因”时,这些只是冲动行为的事后借口。