下面是一个示例配置.$pdf_mode=1使 latexmk 输出 PDF 文件的格式. 第二 行指定 xelatex 为编译器;-pvc运行一个预览器并持续更新 PDF 文件;-file-line-error显示错误行号;-interaction=nonstopmode使得编译不 停下来询问, 而是一路编译下去.$pdf_previewer指定 PDF 预览器; 这里/usr/bin/okular是预览器的路径...
latexmk需要自己进行简单的配置后才能使用起来比较顺手。 建议在个人根目录的$HOME/.latexmkrc文件中配置个人的使用习惯, 然后在项目的工作目录的latexmkrc文件配置项目相关的编译方法, 如使用xelatex或开启-shell-escape等。 下面是我推荐的一些配置,更详细的说明参见 latexmkrc 的文档。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $pdf...
I'm using WIN10 PRO as OS text editor: VScode version 1.48.2 LaTeX Distribution: MikTex Recipe used in vscode: latexmk (it is told that it runs biber for me) I need to print the bibliography, I have the .bib file in the root folder (the same as .tex file). I use the biblatex...
A file namedTeXis also found in `/etc/paths.d'. As expected, it contains the following line: in thefield of the plugin recipe resolves the issue. For some reason, it looks like VSCode does not retrieve the $PATH from the shell. I did not have this issue until today, quite possibly ...