You have placed an alignment tab character '&' in the wrong place. If you want to align something, you must write it inside an align environment such as \begin{align} … \end{align}, \begin{tabular} … \end{tabular}, etc. If you want to write an ampersand '&' in text, you must...
The square brackets “[...]” inform LaTeX which set of options should be applied when it loads somepackage. Within the set of options requested by the user, individual options, or settings, are typically separated by a comma; for example, the geometry package provides many options to config...
LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `', but the package provides `esdiff'. and! Display math should end with $$. <to be read again> u l.51 \{$u _t(x,t)=u_{xx}(x,t)$$} where x $\epsilon$ ${\rm I\!R}$\ and $t>0$ ? Does anyone know how to write the he...
... LaTeX Warning: You have requested document class `SCYE', but the document class provides...
Q: I getPackage csquotes Error: Unbalanced groups or invalid nesting.What can I do? A: You have activated\MakeOuterQuote{"}and used some special babel command to allow hyphenation at other places as a dash. One example is writingapplication"=specific. Now, you have to decide whether you ...
Package fontspec Warning: Font "FandolFang-Regular" does not contain requested Script "CJK". 这些警告表明您尝试使用的FandolSong-Regular和FandolFang-Regular字体不包含中文字符集(CJK)。如果您的文档中包含中文字符,您需要确保使用的字体支持CJK字符。您可能需要安装额外的字体或更改为其他支持CJK的字体。
I am trying to upload a.texdocument to arxiv. I upload my .tex file and my .eps figures and .bbl as requested. When I process my filesno pages of outputare produced because of an ! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package hyperref. ...
(very common) are due to\hboxsettings not being " satisfied nicely. " 4. LaTeX Warning: You have requested ..., " This warning occurs in slitex when using the xypic package. " 5. Missing number error: " Usually, when the name of an included eps file is spelled incorrect...
1) Are you a factory or trading company ? We are a factory. 2) Where is your factory located ? How can I visit there ? We have 2 factories for different products range. We warmly welcome you visit us. You can go there directly or guide by us. 3) Do you have C...