当你在使用LaTeX编辑器或IDE(如Visual Studio Code)时遇到“cannot find latex root file”错误,通常意味着编辑器无法识别或定位到你的LaTeX文档的主文件(root file)。以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认文件路径: 确保你的LaTeX根文件(通常是包含\begin{document}和\end{document}命令的文件)位于你期望的目录中。
The compilation of thesis.tex should work without throwing an error. LaTeX Workshop Output [19:26:34] ACTIONS command invoked. [19:26:35] RECIPES command invoked. [19:26:36] BUILD command invoked. [19:26:36] Cannot find LaTeX root file. Desktop environment: OS: Windows 10 Pro 1809 (x...
"latex-workshop.intellisense.package.enabled": true, "latex-workshop.message.error.show": false, "latex-workshop.message.warning.show": false, "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [ { "name": "", "command": "xelatex", "args": [ "-synctex=1", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-file-line-er...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory Breadcrumbs LaTeX-Workshop / CHANGELOG.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 2491 lines (1895 loc) · 82.2 KB Raw Change Log [9.11.4] - 2023-05-27 Fixed DOCUMENT_CHANGED internal event of the extension is not lo...
如果TEMP、TMP、TMPDIR本来就存在,就把路径改成你新建的文件夹。重启vs code后,LaTeX Workshop可以正常...
LaTeX Workshop 配置信息 使用VS Code 编写 LaTeX 论文时,安装 LaTeX Workshop 插件可以实现非常多的功能,但是由于 LaTeX Workshop 默认配置的编译命令是latexmk,而在编写中文论文时通常需要使用xelatex命令来编译文件源代码,所以为了正常使用 LaTeX Workshop 编写中文论文,通常需要对 LaTeX Workshop 进行自定义修改。
求问插件latex ..更新了以后toolchain取消了,改为用tools和recipes,但按github更新文档里的修改方法没法用xelatex。。。每次都显示 Recipe terminated with error
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1b2cYRDPA647VCzweZbakqg?pwd=8888 提取码: 8888 老铁们,latex永久版及教程,无偿分享!我当初可是吃了不少不会安装的亏。送这套超简单、超好用的安装包链接。抓紧时间下载吧!毕竟是我花钱买的,能不能分享多久我也不确定,所以要快哦! Konata 2-14 0 插入新label之后出现问题...
[10:29:38] Cannot find LaTeX root file. [10:29:40] Current workspace folders: undefined [10:29:40] Current workspaceRootDir: [10:29:40] Found root file from active editor: /Users/rdorje/Desktop/proj_desc/proj_desc.tex [10:29:40] Keep using the same root file: /Users/rdorje/Deskt...