Numbered, single-line: $$...$$, add the pandoc-crossref label on a separate line, after closing $$ as such: $$ ... $$ {#eq:somelabel} which will convert into: \begin{equation} ... \label{eq:somelabel}\end{equation} The label must be on a separate line, otherwise Typora's ...
Another advantage of using LaTeX is avoiding unexpected modifications in the text properties while creating your document. The following scenario must sound familiar: You write a few paragraphs using Word. Then, you hit the Enter key to start a new paragraph. And all of a sudden, the text pro...
You can put a \label command after an item to be able to refer to the item number. Victor Eijkhout A 18 CHAPTER 1. T X AND LT X E E \begin{enumerate} \item\label{first:item} One \item Two comes after \ref{first:item} \end{enumerate} Output: 1. One 2. Two comes after 1 ...
This was necessary because \printindex starts a new page, so placing the label before this command would link to the page before the index, and placing the label after \printindex would link to the end of the index. 5 Strange Errors or Unexpected Ouput This section lists some errors or ...