\overbrace{a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n}^{\text{共n项}} 共项a1,a2,…,an⏞共n项 2.3 分式 分式(fraction)是数学公式中常见的结构,LaTeX中,分式用\frac<分子><分母>得到: \frac 1a +\frac 2b = \frac{2a+b}{ab} 1a+2b=2a+bab 在行内公式和显示公式中,分式的大小是不同的。行内公式中分子分...
\circlearrowleft \circlearrowleft \circlearrowright \circlearrowright \Lsh \Lsh \Rsh \Rsh \upuparrows \upuparrows \downdownarrows \downdownarrows \leftleftarrows \leftleftarrows \rightrightarrows \rightrightarrows \stackrel{text}{\longrightarrow} \stackrel{text}{\longrightarrow} \stackrel{text...
Circle Arrow (Right)\circlearrowright↻↻ Curve Arrow (Left)\curvearrowleft↶↶ Curve Arrow(Right)\curvearrowright↷↷ (Not) Left, Right Arrow\nleftarrow,\nrightarrow↚↚,↛↛ We can use the LaTeX arrow symbol both in mathematical formulas and text mode, even in pictures an...
To place text above or below the arrow, each arrow can take two optional arguments.$$\ce{ A->[H2O]B }$$ $$ \ce{ A->[H2O]B } $$ $$\ce{ A->[{text above}][{text below}]B }$$ $$ \ce{ A->[{text above}][{text below}]B } $$ $$\ce{ A<-->B }$$ $$ \ce{...
Example 02: Long Right Arrow The above example shows the simple way of making a small right-directional arrow on the latex document. We will be creating a long-size right arrow in our latex document this time. Therefore, we have updated the latex code as below. The text and the command...
黑板粗体(Blackboardbold)一般用于表示数学和物理学中的向量或集合的符号。 备注: 花括号 中只有使用大写拉丁字母才能正常显示,使用小写字母或数字会得到其他符号。 正粗体 语法 \mathbf{012…abc…ABC…} 效果 备注 花括号{}内只能使用拉丁字母和数字,不能使用希腊字母如\alpha等。斜粗体 ...
\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{0cm} 字体大小 直接在表格环境里使用以下命令: \tiny \scriptsize \footnotesize \small \normalsize \large \Large \LARGE \huge \Huge 子图 例1 参与主图片序号的编号 \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \begin{minipage}[c]{0.48\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[height...
I naturally tend towards agreeing with Fisher's rule since I don't think it breaks the readability / looks of the text, and there are other ways to emphasize an equation than giving it a number (e.g. a box). However, I can also see the other point of view, and the fact that ...
12 Other character (none of the above or below) 13 Active character (~ in this manual) 14 Comment character (% in this manual) 15 Invalid character (<deletei in this manual) 3.西文字符转换表 \rm 罗马字体 \it 意大利字体 \bf 黑体 ...
\[\begin{array}{ccc} a & + & i & b\\ \uparrow & & &\uparrow \\ \Re (z) & & &\Im (z) \\ \text { Real part } & && \text { Imaginary part } \end{array}\] Default Latex real part symbol You can use \Re function: ...