1.l调用宏:\leftmark(高)和\rightmark(低)包含LATEX处理过的信息,直接使用它们,如第下面一段代码节所示。 %---导言---%\documentclass{book}\usepackage{fancyhdr}%导入fancyhdr包\usepackage{ctex}%导入ctex包\pagenumbering{arabic}%设置页码格式,大写字母标页\pagestyle{fancy}\title{{Godzilla}}\author{小...
the number of rows to be combined: 3 the width of the column: 4em the content of the cell: Multiple rowMulti-page tablesIf you have to insert a very long table, which takes up two or more pages in your document, use the longtable package. First, add the following line to your ...
LaTeX doesn't have an integrated algorithm to automatically adjust the width of each column. Therefore, a table can become too wide and cause a10000 badnesswarning. This editor has two options to fix the issue: Scale:Your table will be resized so it will fit the width of the page. Every...
the number of rows to be combined: 3 the width of the column: 4em the content of the cell: Multiple rowMulti-page tablesIf you have to insert a very long table, which takes up two or more pages in your document, use the longtable package. First, add the following line to your ...
在某些环境内(如表格),脚注无法正常使用。我们可以先用\footnotemark依次插入位置,再在tabular/table环境外用\footnotetext依次指明脚注的内容。 minipage环境是支持脚注的,在其内部或正文内可以这样写表格脚注。 \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}\begin{tabular}[1}脚注示例\footnotemark。\end{tabular}\footnotetext{你...
\clearpage命令会在另起一页前将所有推迟处理的浮动体排版成页,忽略htbp等位置参数 float宏包提供的浮动提位置参数H会取消浮动机制(将浮动体视为一般盒子),不能与htbp!混用 扩展 双栏排版环境下,table*和figure*环境用来排版跨栏的浮动体,此时<placement>参数只能使用tp两个参数 ...
5cm), numbering:("第1页"), //background: table( //columns: 2, //rows:1, //[#rect(width:49%,height: 93.5%,stroke: none)],rect(width:46%,height: 85%,stroke: none)), ) // 对齐方式和行间距--- #set par(justify: true, leading:1em, //行间距 ) //首行缩进,参考 https://t...
\begin{titlepage} \maketitle \end{titlepage} \tableofcontents \begin{abstract} This is a simple paragraph at the beginning of the document. A brief introduction about the main subject. \end{abstract} First document. This is a simple example, with no ...
string"auto""auto","page-actual","page-fit","page-width", one-based scale values (e.g., 0.5 for 50%, 2.0 for 200%) The default scroll mode of the PDF viewer. This default value will be passed to the viewer upon opening.
2012-09-29 15:32 −\begin{tabular}{table spec} table spec定义表格样式。可选项 l(L)左对齐,r右对齐,c居中,p{width}相应宽度的文本列,| (\)铅直表线。 & 跳入下一行, \\新行,\hline插入水平 表线。\cline{j-i}添加部分表线,...