"latex-workshop.latex.tools":[{"name":"xelatex","command":"xelatex","args":["--shell-escape",//添加这一行"-synctex=1","-interaction=nonstopmode","-file-line-error","%DOCFILE%"]},] 参考了https://liam.page/2020/03/30/writing-manuscript-in-Markdown-and-typesetting-with-LaTeX/的ma...
If mydoc.tex has several sections/subsections, LaTeX2HTML generates an HTML file for each section and a table of contents with links to each section. Each page has a navigation bar with links to next/prev sections and the table of contents. If you want only one big HTML file, use the...
所以加点东西让它好看一些好了:\documentclass{article} \usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue ]{hyperref} \begin{document} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{XXX is a SB.} XXX is a big SB. \section{mei le} \end{document}再编译两遍。这回不仅没有了红框框,链接颜色也变成蓝色了。我们看...
论文投稿时, 不同期刊有着不同的格式要求, 如果使用Word格式, 那转换格式工作是十分繁琐的. 使用LaTeX 编写文档的工作重点在于内容, 而格式控制是比较简单的, 比如只需要一个命令\tableofcontents就可以生成目录; 只需要将写入章节\part, 节\section, 或者子节\subsection的括号中即可按预定格式生成并自动编号. 三...
\tableofcontents \newpage \section{常见稳健回归方法概述} \subsection{M-估计} M-估计是一种广义的估计方法,如极大似然估计就是一种常见的M-估计方法(下面所谈到的具体的算法大多也是M-估计的特例),M-估计能够提供较为鲁棒的估计结果。M-估计的核心思想是最大化(或最小化)一个目标函数,该函数通常由样本数...
To ensure this proper ``floating'' placement of tables, use the environment \textbf{table} to enclose the table's contents and the table caption. The contents of the table itself must go in the \textbf{tabular} environment, to be aligned properly in rows and columns, with the desired hori...
\begin{doucument} \tableofcontents \chapter{绪论} \section{研究目的及意义} \section{国内外研究现状} \subsection{国外研究现状} \subsection{国内研究现状} \section{研究内容} \section{研究方法与技术路线} \subsection{研究内容} \subsection{技术路线} \chapter{实验与结果分析} \section{引言} \section{...
active links in the table of contents.\section{Writing in ASCII or other encodings}By default, historically LaTeX accepts inputs which are pure ASCII (128), but not extended ASCII, meaning without accents (à, è etc.) and non-Latin symbols. ...
Reenabled fast parse on document contents for intellisense and outline. Now fast parse can properly handle label={eq1}-like syntax. (#3682) Visually activate hand tool in viewer. (#3683) Explain on the conflict with extension vscode-pdf. Internal Change to use vscode.FileSystemWatcher to wat...