You have placed an alignment tab character '&' in the wrong place. If you want to align something, you must write it inside an align environment such as \begin{align} … \end{align}, \begin{tabular} … \end{tabular}, etc. If you want to write an ampersand '&' in text, you must...
Eachtoolappearing in thetoolsfield of recipes is To include a tool in a recipe, the tool'snameshould be included in the recipe'stoolslist. Its default value is given by "": [ {"name":"latexmk","command":"latexmk","args": [...
The thing is, I can't understand how can I replace the equation system on the left edge instead of center? I've seen some similar question here and tips given but still haven't undestood how can I do I do this in my text. So here's my code: \documentclass[14pt]{article} \usep...
My attempt to force normal text using ~\newline\vspace{-11pt} after ending enumeration and before \needspace initially seemed to work, most incorrectly placed images were then fixed, but there still persist some wrong positioned images which overflowed to next subsection (or in some ca...
This information is provided for readers interested in the finer details, but is not a prerequisite for using the cross-reference table itself. To address the needs of different readers we provide a very short summary version together with a longer explanation for those wishing to explore the iss...
117 30.5 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Index 123 1 Using REVT X E The file README has retrieval and installation information. User documentation is presented separately in revguide.tex. The file template.aps...
This information is provided for readers interested in the finer details, but is not a prerequisite for using the cross-reference table itself. To address the needs of different readers we provide a very short summary version together with a longer explanation for those wishing to explore the iss...
This information is provided for readers interested in the finer details, but is not a prerequisite for using the cross-reference table itself. To address the needs of different readers we provide a very short summary version together with a longer explanation for those wishing to explore the iss...
First pages of chapters, table of contents, and other "special" pages are defined to have a plain page style (\thispagestyle{plain} can be found in the definition of \chapter and so in \tableofcontents, etc.). Even when you apply the fancy page style through the fancyhdr package, the...
I am trying to make the following table with the table and tabularx packages, but the vertical lines of the last three columns are not appearing. Can you, please, point me in the right direction? \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{array, hhline} \usepackage[showframe]{geometry} ...