在beamer里则可以使用命令\institute来生成机构名。同时beamer还可以添加副标题,命令使用\subtitle{},这里我们来看一下\institute的效果,输入命令: %导言区 \title{A} \author{B} \institute{C} %正文 \begin{frame} \maketitle \end{frame} 在正文中显示的结果如下 (去掉日期加一个\date{}就好,别忘了) (f...
This title page template features a central vertical line which frames the rest of the text on the page. The title is clearly visible in a large bold font and the design also includes a subtitle, author name and publisher information. The title page would be well suited to a book but it...
beamer在导言区为首页提供了显示相对应内容的命令,在首页帧中需要通过使用\maketitle或者\titlepage使得这些内容显示到首页帧中。 \title{杂谈勾股定理} \subtitle{数学史讲座之一} \author{BlueHeart} \institute{九章学堂} \date{\today} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \maketitle % 等价于 \titlepage \end{fra...
您可以使用命令\title、\subtitle、\author和\date执行相同的操作。相反,将titlepage环境放在\begin{document}块之后: \begin{titlepage}\vspace*{1cm}{\huge\raggedrightThe Book\par}\noindent\hrulefill\par{\LARGE\raggedleftThe Author\par}\vfill{\Large\raggedleftInstitute\par}\end{titlepage} titlepage环...
\title{杂谈勾股定理}\subtitle{数学史讲座之一}\author{BlueHeart}\institute{九章学堂}\date{\today}\begin{document}\begin{frame}\maketitle%等价于 \titlepage \end{frame}%...\end{document} 2.3.3 分节 和一般文档类一样,在beamer中可以使用section、subsection、subsubsection以及\part命令对幻灯片分节,然后...
If you've just written your first paper and are looking for some inspiration for a titlepage, why not try this one designed by Frits at howtotex.com. ...
This title page template is best suited for a book. The minimalistic design immediately highlights the title and the use of red further focuses the eye on the core of what the work is about. The subtitle is neatly tucked away under the title to expand on it and the author/publisher inform...
简单的示例(故意排除author:和date:)是: --- output: pdf_document title: "Example of Title to Body Text" subtitle: Subtitle Places Here --- This is the first paragraph (or heading if specified as such 浏览60提问于2020-01-08得票数 3 回答已采纳...
When we use one of these commands they affect all the text in it's scope. Therefore in it's current state all the remaining text on the page will appear in the size of the subtitle. We'll keep it like this for the author name and degree title but we'll drop down ...
% - Commands: \sphinxstyletopictitle, \sphinxstylecontentstitle, and % \sphinxstylesidebartitle. % % At 8.1.0 they default to use \sphinxdotitlerow whose definiion is done in % sphinxlatexadmonitions.sty. There is also \sphinxstylesidebarsubtitle % which does not use \sphinxdotitlerow. %...