It is illegal to type$x^y^z$or$x_y_z$. TeX will complain of a “double subscript” or “double superscript”. You must make clearer what you want by typing either$x^{y^z}$, or$x^{yz}$, or$x_{y_z}$, or$x_{yz}$. ...
\xlongequal[subscript]{superscript} %superscript:等号上方;subscript:等号下方 快速输入自适应高度的括号、旋度散度梯度符号、求导符号、狄拉克记号、矩阵 使用physics宏包(我愿称之为神包)即可,使用方法参照其说明文档physics.pdf,打开途径参考上节,只有十来页,但是阅读起来十分直观友好,可见作者的用心良苦,小小的宏...
$P_2^2$producesP22. If for some reason you want the left edges of both subscript and superscr...
· \section{Hello China} China is in East Asia. · \subsection{Hello Beijing} Beijing is the capital of China. · \subsubsection{Hello Dongcheng District} · \paragraph{Hello Tian'anmen Square}is in the center of Beijing · \subparagraph{Hello Chairman Mao} is in the center of Tian'anmen...
Subscript $a_b$ Derivate $\frac{\partial y}{\partial t} $ Vector $\vec{n}$ Bold $\mathbf{n}$ To time differential $\dot{F}$ Matrix (lcr here means left, center or right for each column) \[ \left[ \begin{array}{lcr}
l Subscript $a_b$ l Derivate $\frac{\partial y}{\partial t} $ l Vector $\vec{n}$ l Bold $\mathbf{n}$ l To time differential $\dot{F}$ l Matrix (lcr here means left, center or right for each column) l \[ l \left[ ...
Subscript $a_b$ Derivate $\frac{\partial y}{\partial t}$ Vector $\vec{n}$ Bold $\mathbf{n}$ To time differential $\dot{F}$Matrix(lcr here means left,center or rightforeach column)\[\left[\begin{array}{lcr}a1&b22&c333 \\ ...
Subscript $a_b$ Derivate $\frac{\partial y}{\partial t} $ Vector $\vec{n}$
In this tutorial, we will learn how to do subscript and superscript in LaTeX and how to use them with math operators.
Subscript $a_b$ Derivate $\frac{\partial y}{\partial t} $ Vector $\vec{n}$ Bold $\mathbf{n}$ To time differential $\dot{F}$ Matrix (lcr here means left, center or right for each column) \[ \left[ \begin{array}{lcr}