\includegraphics[width=6cm]{4a.eps}\caption{World Map}\end{minipage}%}%\subfigure[2]{\begin{minipage}{7cm}\centering \includegraphics[width=6cm]{4b.eps}\caption{Concrete and Constructions}\end{minipage}}\caption{side by side figure}\end{figure} 如不能正常并排排列,可以尝试改一下width参数。
[example_overlay.tex] More complicated examples, side-by-side using the minipage construct in a single column format The folder, "example_output_figs" includes figures that show the outputs of the above four cases. Note: the main latex file, "eqn_annotate.tex" includes many latex packages a...
16.1refer multiple figures https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20698/reference-multiple-subfloated-figures-using-refx-y-z-to-give-fig-1a-1b-1c-in without package cleveref is must be \ref{..},\ref{...} 16.2two figures side by side useSubfigurespackage, and addcaptionandsubcaptionpackages...
figures-sidecap Restructuring and a bunch of new examples. Apr 1, 2016 general-bold Whole bunch of new examples involving TikZ, PGFPlots, bibliography wi… Dec 4, 2016 general-boxes Starting to write down some additional fonts and example of (colored)… Nov 16, 2016 general-colors HTML colo...
\label{fig:side:b} \end{minipage} \end{figure} 还有一种方法: 在某些情况下,有时会希望将并列的图形组成一组,而其中的每一幅图都保持其独立性。 paisubfigure 宏包的\subfigure命令将这一组做为一幅图形,其中的每一幅图做为子图形。例如:
Notice that I've halved the size of the image and used the position specifierhto put it in the document where the code is in the text. It's really important to add captions to figures when writing a thesis. This is what it looks like compiled: ...
Captions can also be placed right after the figures. Thesidecappackage uses similar code to the one in the previous example to accomplish this. \documentclass{article}\usepackage[rightcaption]{sidecap}\usepackage{graphicx}%package to manage images\graphicspath{{images/}}\begin{SCfigure}[0.5][h...
Discussions Collaborate outside of code Explore All features Documentation GitHub Skills Blog Solutions By size Enterprise Teams Startups By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing By use case CI/CD & Automation DevOps DevSecOps Resources Topics AI DevOps S...
Selects one- or two-sided layout; default is oneside, except that in the book class the default is twoside. For one-sided printing, the text is centered on the page. For two-sided printing, the \evensidemargin (\oddsidemargin) parameter determines the distance on even (odd) numbered ...
oneside或twoside -改变边界,设置成单页或双页文档 landscape -将文档的格式从portrait改为landscape. titlepage或notitlepage -定义是否使用分离的标题页面,或者标题,作者和日题出现在文章的顶部. 文档的主体(The document body) 导言区后边,也就是\begin{document}和\end{document}之间的部分是文档的主体.大多数的...